I am looking on more information about two oil painting I came across. Right now the most I know is that they are oil paintings by German artist Walther Purschke (born 1924). It is signed “W. Purschke, München” Any additional information would be greatly appreciated (artist history, value ...) Thanks Amy Walther Purschke painting by AJefferson posted Aug 7, 2017 at 9:08 AM Walther Purschke painting by AJefferson posted Aug 7, 2017 at 9:08 AM
Wow! https://www.bing.com/search?q=w.+pu...b9e4d38b96266211d&cc=US&setlang=en-US&PC=DCTE I think you may have a real find there. Congratulations. And it's beautiful.
They are very good. The couple are from the Lake Tegern (Tegernsee) area, about 50k south of Munich (München), Bavaria. Here are Walter Purschke paintings on the German ebay: http://www.ebay.de/itm/162221357325?redirect=mobile http://www.ebay.de/itm/Original-Olg...926977?hash=item2cc2fd1541:g:l7MAAOSwB-1Y4Sjd
Some info: "Walter Purschke was born on April 13, 1924, München Germany. He began to work with ceramics in his early youth becoming a porcelain artist. After serving in the German Army Purschke studied with artist G.W. Kielbac in the city of Munnich, Germany. He later studied under the artist Koenig for portrait and figurative painting. The details in his paintings, as well as the interesting and provocative scenes, such as chess players in deep thought, smoking their pipes with the smoke curling through the air in a playful manner, is the subject matter Walter Purschke became best known for." http://arnotgallery.com/artists/walter-purschke/