Very old irish mail car

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by RustyDysty, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. RustyDysty

    RustyDysty New Member

    Recently I was at a local antique mall and I have my peepers tuned to finding old tools of ant type, video game consoles of the Atari 2600 and older type and basically anything that stands out and what I thought was a pedal car caught my eye. Turns out to be an Irish mail car the like of which I've never seen. Constructed of cast iron and beautifully crafted wood. For those unfamiliar with irish mail car toys they are still sometimes called pedal cars but usually they have a scooter type handle that when pushed and pulled it provides locomotion by turning a crank on the axle. This one had instead a steering wheel and a "gear shift" that could disconnect the drive to allow coasting. I was fascinated by how intricate it was and it's near perfect condition. Tag has it listed as from 1910 and an asking price of $1500. Seemed salty to me but maybe not. I'd like to know who made these amazing toys or any info anyone has on it. The pic I have is from a Google search as I didn't think to take pics of it. Stupid me. This is identical to the one I saw tho Screenshot_20240223_175343_Chrome.jpg
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

  3. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

    Cool. I know nothing but if I was a kid, I'd want to ride it. Hopefully Komokwa's link will help with price.
    komokwa likes this.
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