Unknown vertical sundial.

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Julvs, Sep 16, 2018.

  1. Julvs

    Julvs New Member

  2. Julvs

    Julvs New Member

    Hello everyone, I just found a curious vertical sundial in a small town shop. The seller claims that is a 100 years old German sundial, but clearly is just trying to sell and has no idea what he's talking about. My guess is that is not a genuine antique, however I don't want to leave just like that. Specifically because I couldn't find any information about the sundial. Do you have any clue of ether its origin or its age? And how much do you believe it may cost?

    Thank you.
  3. sassafras

    sassafras Well-Known Member

    Not sure who made it, but according to the North American Sundial Society the saying at the bottom is "Horas non numero nisi serenas" which translates to "I only count sunny hours".

    Me too, Mr. Sundial. Me too.
    Jivvy and i need help like this.
  4. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    100 years old is only 1918. That's practically yesterday in the world of antiques. Wasn't an expensive thing in its time. What's it affixed to?

  5. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    will never function because the gnomon is the wrong way around.
  6. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the board @Julvs.

    Perhaps you should mount it facing SSW. Horas non numero nisi serenas, seemed to be popular back when, across the pond. ;)

    "I don't count hours unless (they are) summer (hours)."

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2018
  7. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    why ? is the sun shining from the ground towards heaven that way ? how would you get a shade thrown on the ground plate to show a line where you can read the time with this crappo ?

    I'd go back to that shop and tell that guy it's actually not from Germany but from England, specially made for Victoria Land in the Antarctica because there the sun shines the other way around.:meh:
  8. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    Hey, don’t shoot the messenger, I didn’t build it. Secondly, have you ever observed a wall mount sundial? Casting a shadow from the complete side, or directly down? The instructions tells us it doesn’t work during the winter when the sun is so far south the shadow will hit directly on it. Oh but what the hell do I know.
  9. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    I didn't intend to "shoot" you.
    still not convinced that this one would work properly though. neither in Germany or elsewhere.
    sorry again you took it personal.
  10. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    It certainly looks decorative rather than functional.

    mmarco102 likes this.
  11. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    Not sure where you are from, but here in America, it’s just a saying :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

    No need, didn’t take it personal, was just making a jest. I’ve got alligator skin living down here in Florida. Good day sir.

    @Julvs, enjoy your find.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2018
  12. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    Gator Country, Molly Hatchet. one of my favorits.
    it's around midday here and I tried a bit around on the south wall - pretty exactly south +- 3 ° . when the gnomon is like here then the shadow is too short to reach the outer end of the scale. it only throws a short line near the zero point.
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