Two-fer what is it plus can you read it

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Ally330, Dec 19, 2020.

  1. Ally330

    Ally330 Weekend thrifter

    Hello all, sorry for posting a ton. I have two of these things and I cannot figure out what they are. And WARNING DO NOT GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH THEM unless you want to be scarred for life. Don't say I didn't warn you.
    20201219_224145.jpg 20201219_224234.jpg

    I mean maybe they are just regular like jars but then why the little handle? Not s&p because no holes... no markings anywhere.

    Also can anyone make this out, I dang near went cross-eyed trying to read it.
    20201219_224145.jpg 20201219_224234.jpg 20201219_224639.jpg
    TallCakes and cxgirl like this.
  2. Ally330

    Ally330 Weekend thrifter

    Better pics of the signature:
    20201219_224639.jpg 20201219_225528.jpg 20201219_225626.jpg 20201219_225718.jpg 20201219_225840.jpg 20201219_230007.jpg never seen this pattern. Trying to figure out signature... ty for your help
    TallCakes and judy like this.
  3. sabre123

    sabre123 Well-Known Member

    I have enough scars in this brain that it doesn't really matter. But, I feel like I've been cheated out of something...I reverse image searched and got all kinds of cute things:
    judy, cxgirl and Ally330 like this.
  4. Ally330

    Ally330 Weekend thrifter

    1. Those are adorable!!
    2. If its an egg cup why is there a lid??
    3. When I used google image search I got alot of... well let's say "chicken rings" D:
    plaid423 and judy like this.
  5. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    @Ownedbybear - Could the first item be an egg coddler?

    @Ally330 - Is the lid removable?

    I am pretty sure your second item is a punch bowl base. Your 5th pic in your second post would be upside down. I can't remember the name of the pattern but maybe @TallCakes can help you out on that one.
    TallCakes, judy, Any Jewelry and 3 others like this.
  6. sabre123

    sabre123 Well-Known Member

    This is out of my realm. I was just intrigued by the "scarred for life" comment :)
    komokwa and cxgirl like this.
  7. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    maybe egg coddler for your first items?
    judy and Ally330 like this.
  8. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    lol sabre123:)

    sniped by Peggy:)
    sabre123, judy, Ally330 and 1 other person like this.
  9. Ally330

    Ally330 Weekend thrifter

    1. The lid would not be removable without ruining the wire holding the lid on. Also I'm not going to lie here... I have no idea what an egg coddler is or does lol. I'll google it in a sec.
    2. I know what the second item is, your right though it is a vase (base)*! Im trying to figure out what the signature says. Its fricken impossible because the vase is clear (the sparkle is from my Christmas lights).
    3. The picture isn't upside down, the vase is because I'm trying to show how deep the cuts are to help date the signature. Vintage pressed glass and early pressed glass are not as deep as antique ABP glass which was hand made. Modern reproductions are very sharp cut because of the technology. I've seen the buzz and hobstar etc. But it looks like a wreath. Either way I love it, I'm just trying to decide where to display it.

    But that signature. What if its like a deformed fenton? Thats what I thought at first.

    Anyway thanks for your reply. Im still new to collecting and I just settled on cut glass because its cheap, abundant and beautiful.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2020
    judy likes this.
  10. Ally330

    Ally330 Weekend thrifter

    Ok so I just googled egg coddler and 100% those are probably egg coddlers!! Also about the pics thing when I image searched it it was -human rooster ring pain- :depressed::grumpy: and bracelets. No help at all and also EW I was trying to save y'all but I guess it just happened to me? I had no frame of reference for egg coddler so I had no idea where to start. Also I'm going to try coddled egg tomorrow. :chicken:
    bercrystal and judy like this.
  11. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    I see punch bowl bases all the time at thrifts and yard sales being sold as vases. Once I saw a punch bowl sitting on the upside down base, I took off the bowl, flipped the base and put the bowl back on.
  12. Ally330

    Ally330 Weekend thrifter

    Wow!! Lol alas there was no punch bowl with it. I had no idea. Im a weekend thrifter, I would have never guessed they were in two pieces and not made as one ha!
    bercrystal and judy like this.
  13. Ally330

    Ally330 Weekend thrifter

    judy likes this.
  14. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Another vote for egg coddlers.
    Google has already scarred me for life.:inpain:
  15. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

  16. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    No size given for the containers, but would think rather than egg coddlers, they're more likely small storage jars, with the loop intended to hold a scoop or spoon...

    dgbjwc, lovewrens and sabre123 like this.
  17. judy

    judy Well-Known Member

    They remind me of the Gefle coffee storage containers that were out a few years ago. I had one in solid white. I don't know the size of yours but they do look on the small size. I also have one from Dunkin Donuts in clear glass. 6" tall. Both given to me. DD is used to hold my scoop measures...............:cat:

    I find myself doing the same thing with those punch bowl bases.....flipping them over..............:rolleyes:
    sabre123 likes this.
  18. TallCakes

    TallCakes Well-Known Member

    the punch bowl stand (they work very well as a vase in the re-purpose world) was made by Ohio Flint Glass Co. and known by the AKA 'Iverna' c1907. Krys-Tol was their patented finishing process (not a maker or pattern). Some folks call the pattern Strawberry, as that it what the main motif resembles... also called Hearts & Stars.

    related info:

    EAPGS Pattern Index - IVERNA (AKA)

    Glass Etch and Pattern Gallery (
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2020
    bercrystal, Ally330 and sabre123 like this.
  19. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    I don't think egg coddlers, the shape is wrong. Also, with those, the lid generally comes off completely and easily, so you can tip the egg on your toast. And those are too small, plus that plastic seal would not take heat. Coddlers go in boiling water - you'd have hell's own job opening that Kilner style clip once hot!

    I think they might be for cosmetics. I had some fancy face cream once which had a separate little spoon applicator. Likewise bath stuff.

    bercrystal likes this.
  20. TallCakes

    TallCakes Well-Known Member

    might it be the loop is to hold a small spoon for spice storage; novelty hinged glass spice jar...

    bercrystal likes this.
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