Trying to ID location of this old city harbor/skyline engraving

Discussion in 'Art' started by Curioser, Sep 21, 2023.

  1. Curioser

    Curioser Well-Known Member

    Found this while going thru boxes of old stock. I don't know if the location is US or somewhere else. It's small at 5 1/2" by 4" but very detailed. The harbor has what look to be steam tug boats, some sort of very long boat with a high angled pole in foreground, a large boat with a central "house" and an arrangement of spikes fore and aft (one tall central one and 3-4 shorter at the base) and something that looks like a 2-deck ferry at left near right side of tree. Foreground has a fenced walk, a warehouse?, a boat with more of the spiked rigging and a 2-horse drawn wagon.

    The skyline is distinctive for its time. And there are two arched structures which seem to have enclosed side walls at midground toward the center/right. I don't think they are bridges, maybe some sort of boat docking or protection things? Probably a terrible description but I am not great at describing water vessels or architecture.

    The signature looks like a C or something else, a space, and then a name tat stars with "P" and has 3-4 letters after. There is a short gap and a sloppy "C" or maybe just a slip of ink.

    It has a crisp foil label "Croston Art Shop 380 Boylston St Boston" on back. Only thing I can find there is a modern lamp shop. No mention of the shop online. This has been a major Boston street as far back as 1722, known as Frog Street, later renamed to "Boylston" after Nicholas Ward Boylston, 1747-1828. I would guess the name was changed after his death but I can't find that out either.

    So, can anyone hazard a guess at the locale? Or signature? I tried to sharpen it but it got fuzzier. Thanks for your contributions! Engraving Harbor Scene 2.JPG Engraving Harbor Scene 1.JPG
    komokwa likes this.
  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

  3. Curioser

    Curioser Well-Known Member

    Fabulous! I took a photo to Google Image search but have been sleep deprived and sick for days and forgot--only minutes after I took it! THANK YOU!
  4. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Wall Street is unrecognizable now, isn't it?


  5. silverbell

    silverbell Well-Known Member

    Rats! Just ONCE could y'all post something to which I have the answer, BEFORE anyone else sees it?!
  6. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    You've just got to get up earlier. ;)

    Potteryplease, mirana and komokwa like this.
  7. silverbell

    silverbell Well-Known Member

    :( :( I might be able to get up...physically...but to function on a reasoning level? Not so much!
    mirana, Debora and komokwa like this.
  8. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Many of the Shutz prints currently for sale are from a book of collected works. Looks like you have an original. This is in a different league of value.
    mirana and silverbell like this.
  9. Curioser

    Curioser Well-Known Member

    Tell us when you're on and we'll try to time it for you! :cat:
    komokwa likes this.
  10. silverbell

    silverbell Well-Known Member

    Thank you!! Love your Wabbit, by the way!
  11. Curioser

    Curioser Well-Known Member

    Tank you berry mush! BTW I'm total rubbish before noon and not much brighter after!
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