Toy Soldiers (horsemen, metal cast)

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by VintageByNature, Apr 12, 2020.

  1. ABDE10DF-C1F1-43A7-AEE5-71A9BF2C674E.jpeg F9806CC8-1A80-46C6-AA84-10C6A11F7765.jpeg 9D1ACB52-E42D-43D1-9249-5FEFBB0FB46D.jpeg 1BF783BA-5CBD-44D8-BBA6-8B3BCD9F7E43.jpeg C9602DEB-4BBD-4FB5-AEF8-5B5257A65505.jpeg Any good to anyone? Seems like early diecast technique, they’re almost flat. So according to Millers could even be pre 1900?

    looking forwards to hearing your thoughts on them! in isolation here maybe you are also ... stay safe everyone :)
  2. flipper

    flipper Striving to face adversity with tact and humor

  3. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

    I have this great book in front of me only because I'm in the middle of moving. I don't really have the time today to look through it, but maybe wait until I can...

    VintageByNature and i need help like this.
  4. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

    Also, jousting is a medieval sport. Yours look Indian (to me).
    VintageByNature likes this.
  5. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    Your listing says 3/4"? Are they really that tiny?
    scoutshouse likes this.
  6. SBSVC

    SBSVC Well-Known Member

    DH, the military historian - and war gamer - had this to say:

    They are not terribly detailed, but are very likely either French Spahis (colonial cavalry from French Morocco & Algeria) or Indian cavalry in the service of the East India Company....local troops raised and hired by the company....hence the obviously European "civilian" in green coat.
    Those caps (I think) are trying to be like the head dress of these fellows of the Indian Cavalry (which became part of the regular army of the Raj once her majesty's govt took over from the company after the Indian Mutiny of 1857)

    French Spahis:
    french spahis re.jpg

    French troupes coloniales:
    french troupes coloniale re.jpg
  7. Revised. They’re actually just over an inch tall ...
    scoutshouse likes this.
  8. interesting ... definitely one of the above! Many thanks
    scoutshouse and SBSVC like this.
  9. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

    Lancers, not jousters :)
    VintageByNature likes this.
  10. oops how to delete comment?
    scoutshouse likes this.
  11. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    If edit is still an option, delete your comment, but you must have at least one character. You can just write deleted or leave a .
    If edit is no longer there, write a post with the correction.
    scoutshouse likes this.
  12. flipper

    flipper Striving to face adversity with tact and humor

    When I just clicked on the link I had sent, these were not the items displayed? So, if that is why it didn't they are and they are located down the page a bit.
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