I have bought this bronze plaque. It is a replica of the Tondo Pitti made by Michelangelo. I would like to know how old it is. Have not found another of this small size. It measures 14 cm high and 13 cm wide.
Google lens shows this one that looks like yours but the link redirects to the general list of copper and bronze items, with 17,362 results so i wasn't able to find any additional info. But this could also be the one you bought, as this could be a pic from an older ad for the same item. Funny to see that you call it small, while the seller said it was large but I see what you mean, as other versions are much larger
Do you mean it's a pic from a ad that you placed? Or do you mean that it's from the ad were you bought it from? As I thought that ad would be the one that has this pic
No idea (yet), as I haven't been able to find a similar version, only larger versions that also have an angel/cherub on the left side
Which one? Because the first one I posted (with the white background), isn't visible in the ad that has that 2nd photo I posted (on a table). As the 2nd photo is from a recent ad, I assumed that was the ad where you found the plaque. If not, then you could contact that seller to see if he has more info about the item.
Apparently it's John the Baptist "just visible emerging in the background, is a young Saint John the Baptist."