Thrift store basket - African?

Discussion in 'Tribal Art' started by Bjones6416, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. Bjones6416

    Bjones6416 New Member

    IMG_20160125_103737093.jpg IMG_20160125_103738108.jpg IMG_20160125_103741195.jpg I found this interesting basket bowl with leather trim at the Goodwill the other day, and haven't been able to find out much. I'm guessing African, maybe Nigerian? And is it old, new, or something in between? 13" across at the top and 7" at the bottom. Thanks for any info!


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  2. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    Wow! I think it's beautiful.
    You came to the right place... I predict that basket brainiacs will be dropping by with comments throughout the day and evening.
    Good luck.
  3. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    I like it! I know next to nothing about baskets, but I know what I like. ;)

    Out of curiosity, what is written on the bottom? Just the price or something else?
  4. Bjones6416

    Bjones6416 New Member

    Just the thrift store price ($2.99).I didn't want to mess with it until I make sure it's okay to clean it. :)
    yourturntoloveit likes this.
  5. Bdigger

    Bdigger Well-Known Member

    I know little about baskets. But it looks like a pine needle basket of some sort. The leather binding is interesting. It looks old to me.
  6. Taupou

    Taupou Well-Known Member

    It is African.

    This is a traditional coiled basket woven by the Nupe people of Nigeria. The Nupe and the Hausa (who make similar baskets) are related. A web search for "Nupe basket" will show examples to confirm.

    Coiled baskets with rims and bottoms reinforced with leather have been made for generations in parts of Africa, and it's about the only place that you'll find them.

    When these first started appearing on the U.S. market in the late 1970s, most were actually old, and used. Now, however, based on the thousands I've probably personally seen, I suspect that they are being made today, and aged or "antiqued" to look old, since there seems to be an endless supply.
  7. tyeldom3

    tyeldom3 Well-Known Member

    Not my thread, but just have to say, Taupou you are so wonderfully helpful and always so educational.
    gregsglass, Bakersgma and SBSVC like this.
  8. Bjones6416

    Bjones6416 New Member

    Thank you so much!
  9. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    Taupou is a basket brainiac!
    janettekay likes this.
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