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Syrup jug

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Abegweit, Feb 11, 2017.

  1. Abegweit

    Abegweit Active Member

    In spite of the low quality images, I was hoping someone may be able to identify the pattern of this syrup / molassas jug. I would say it's a bead or bulls-eye type pattern, just wondering if there's a formal name. I've included a picture of the bottom. While not really evident in the picture, the bottom has a swirl, almost resembles a pontil mark. Hoping to stumble across a top someday for it. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.


    lauragarnet likes this.
  2. TallCakes

    TallCakes Well-Known Member

    Heisey #305 Punty and Diamond Point c1900
  3. tyeldom3

    tyeldom3 Well-Known Member

    Tallcakes you amaze me all the time. Not my item, but just wanted to let you know that!:)
  4. Abegweit

    Abegweit Active Member

    I'm grateful for the feedback TallCakes. Wish there was someway to channel your EAPG knowledge when I'm out and about. I have a number of other EAPG pieces, although they are amethyst and I know not as highly regarded, but they are naturally turned and nevertheless beautiful to me, some I've dug which never ceases to thrill me. In time I may post some of them as well. Thanks
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