I just came across the book "Subway" by Bruce Davidson. The book appears to be first edition and is signed. The sleeve is missing and the book is a little dusty. There are some Chalk or coal like finger prints on the inside (I tried to clean them a bit, but the pics where taken before), but the page with the pictures itself are in a perfect condition. Does anybody have any thoughts about this book and what it could be worth (if anything at all)?
A new one is $65. plus shipping, and if you want used prices, check that title in Amazon. http://aperture.org/shop/books/bruce-davidson-subway-books
That's actually what I did, but this appears to be a signed first edition and I also found this signed first edition on ebay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/161762630090?ul_noapp=true&chn=ps&lpid=82) and this first edition which is not signed: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1986-Bruce-...ok-/311166016314?_trksid=p2141725.m3641.l6368 This is another unsigned 1st edition copy: http://store.magnumphotos.com/products/subway-1st-edition-1986-bruce-davidson# Obviously, this book is not in such a great condition, that's why I'm asking.
and one more signed first edition: http://store.magnumphotos.com/products/subway-st-anns-press-2003-bruce-davidson-signed I just would like to know what the value could be in the condition as described in this thread.
Vialibri.net is a good site for checking current asking prices across most book sites. I did a search on ViaLibri for your book and this is what came up. But there are a couple of big caveats... (1) not having the dust jacket significantly impacts the price and (2) these are asking prices and not necessarily what the books would sell for.
Beat me to it Pat. More than half if not all of the value of a book is in the dust jacket and condition, added value of signature adds little value unless it is signed by someone famous.
I have only paid $3.99 for the book when I bought it, so even with the missing DJ there could be a worse revenue And best part, I actually really like the pictures. So I guess I will just keep it