Spent €2 buying this bowl yesterday morning, then...

Discussion in 'Silver' started by Brian Warshaw, Oct 15, 2023.

  1. Brian Warshaw

    Brian Warshaw Well-Known Member


    ...spent the rest of the day cleaning it.

    There were some hard black deposits left in places. Fingernails can pick-off chunks, but a residue is left behind, which is more that I can say for my fingernails.

    It is silver plate with a copper base, probably French.

    Measures 13cm x 10cm across the top rim, and has a height of 13cm over the handle. Weight 206g.





    I'd appreciate advise on removing the last bits of residual deposit, and possibly a period of manufacture.

    There isn't' a silver-plater's mark, or any other mark; but the design of the handle is distinctive, and I haven't seen any like it.

    Thanks for your efforts.

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    Aquitaine, komokwa, Bronwen and 5 others like this.
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    sweet piece...& nice work bringing it back to life !!:happy:
    Brian Warshaw likes this.
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