Featured Some more spoons...

Discussion in 'Silver' started by DragonflyWink, Dec 14, 2024 at 3:02 PM.

  1. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Starting with a piece I just received in a Christmas spoon exchange in a silver group I belong to - an amazingly wonderful gift, coming with a very thoughtful note from the kind man who sent it. A late 19th-early 20th century Norwegian plique-à-jour enamel sugar shovel by David Andersen:

    christmas-2024-spoon-from nick-7.jpg

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    christmas-2024-spoon-from nick-3.jpg

    Though I've had them for years, can't recall if I've shown these dragonfly spoons here before:



    japanese-meiji-spoons-dragonfly (1).jpg

    'Jersey Skeeter' (crane fly) spoons, by Codding Bros. & Heilbron, Shepard, and four variants by W.C. Finck:





    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024 at 3:23 PM
  2. Jeff Drum

    Jeff Drum Well-Known Member

    I love dragonflies. Was at a big simultaneous hatch this summer on a Maine lake where they were coming out of the water to hatch and learn to fly for the first time. It really looked like they were having a lot of fun. I was landed on repeatedly as a temporary rest stop.

    You sure some of those aren’t mosquitoes? I’ve seen plenty of hatches of those too…
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024 at 3:43 PM
  3. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    I've loved them all my life - and they land on me all the time, always surprised when people are afraid of them. When I had a pool, my backyard was filled with several varieties...

    The last images are, as noted, 'Jersey Skeeters', actually harmless crane flies, but creatures subject to much exaggeration.

    johnnycb09 and pearlsnblume like this.
  4. Jeff Drum

    Jeff Drum Well-Known Member

    Whoops, missed the Jersey setter comment, too busy looking at the spoons…
    johnnycb09 and DragonflyWink like this.
  5. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Used to collect sets of Norwegian enamel mocha/demitasse spoons, but sold them off 15-20 years ago - one set I couldn't let go, and finally found it tucked into a box of miscellany, packed quite a while ago. Bought the set of twelve over forty years ago, took me a long time to identify the maker (prior to so much information being available online), but was finally told Oslo maker Clemet Berg, the firm founded in 1894. A few years after acquiring the spoons, saw a nice old plush-covered presentation case for twelve at a flea market, the outside worn, sort of like an old teddy bear, the interior a lovely red, its origin the New Orleans retailer A.B. Griswold & Co., it held two spoons that I desired as well - asked the price, it was very reasonable, and she threw in the spoons because they had 'ugly' engraving (which I loved). The freebies were a pair of Gorham 'Nuremberg' demitasse with large entwined monograms on the backs of the bowls, would think a wedding gift, on the fronts of the figures are tiny "Mar 28 1891" dates, above the monograms are script initials sharing only the surname letter 'P', suspect they were later added for the next generation and passed on...

    clemet-berg-norwegian-demi-spoons-1 (1).jpg

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    johnnycb09, komokwa and pearlsnblume like this.
  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Thanks to you , if I ever come across a plique-à-jour enamel spoon..... I'll know what to do !!!:woot::woot:

    yers is lovely !
    johnnycb09 and DragonflyWink like this.
  7. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Komo - haven't counted recently, but around fifty in my collection...

    johnnycb09 likes this.
  8. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Drool ! Drool ! Love them all !
    DragonflyWink likes this.
  9. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Feel sure I've shown this spoon before, my plique-à-jour dragonfly spoon, have never seen another like it...


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