Featured so thoroughly confuzeled

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Rclinftl, Jan 11, 2024.

  1. Rclinftl

    Rclinftl Well-Known Member

    ok - so the first 3 pics are from an ebay auction where the guy/gal is selling what appears to be a vase that is signed both Heisey and Hawkes in the Heisey Sahara color

    here is a link but I am providing 3 pics from that auction:

    Very RARE Heisey Yellow Gold Encrusted Vase with Hawkes Engraving Signed | eBay

    but then here is a vase I bought yesterday - the same exact color - the same exact etching - it is signed Hawkes with no Heisey mark... it measures 10" - the thing is did Heisey handblow these vases - it seems like almost all of the sahara wares were mold blown.... and since we do indeed know that it is a Heisey vase because of the H in Diamond hallmark then what are the shape line numbers for these vases because I can't seem to find either of these vases in other Heisey patterns... ??? are they only specifically blown for Hawkes and never incorporated into their own lines ? which seems weird because I can find other Heisey wares that are signed both Heisey and Hawkes with Hawkes etchings but those same wares also appear in Heisey lines without the Hawkes etching like my final 8th picture - a Heisey Hawkes Crystolite Powder - Heisey sold this item as pure Heisey in the Crystolite line without the Hawkes decoration...

    any help on line numbers for these 2 vases or any other insights great appreciated!

    heisey.jpg heisey2.jpg heisey3.jpg heisey4.jpg heisey5.jpg heisey6.jpg heisey7.jpg heisey8.jpg
  2. Rclinftl

    Rclinftl Well-Known Member

    btw - the reason I bought this vase - and I went and it looked at it 3 times before I bought it for $30 - is because I finally found the Hawkes signature on the bottom - it is very very faint and hard to find - I kept guessing that vase must be from Corning ie: Sinclaire or Steuben - then when I found the Hawkes siggy I thought for sure that it would be Steuben because Hawkes used a lot lot lot of Steuben blanks for their cuttings - and with the vase being handblown I assumed it was Steuben - so I was really surprised to find that it was Heisey being handblown...
    Figtree3 and Any Jewelry like this.
  3. Rclinftl

    Rclinftl Well-Known Member

    doh - I guess at least the first one is not handblow and is moldblown because of the H in Diamond molded mark ??? then why do they have polished pontils? as the title says I am very confuseled...
  4. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    The design is engraved, not etched :)
    Figtree3 and Rclinftl like this.
  5. TallCakes

    TallCakes Well-Known Member

  6. Really Old Guy

    Really Old Guy New Member

    I'd like to comment knowledgably on this, but.... My glass information is now in the hands of the West Virginia Museum in Weston. It's almost impossible to transport belongings across the Atlantic. I sent one trunk, weighed 117 lbs, initial cost was $1900,. but it got to Belgium and needed another $550. And it was stuff I figured I could do without if it were lost.

    I don't recollect Heisey doing ianyi off hand blown wares, they were all at least mold blown. No guarantees on that memory, either.

    Rclinftl, ascot, lvetterli and 2 others like this.
  7. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    @Really Old Guy - Hello Tom AKA Cherryhill!! :happy::happy:

    It is good to hear from you!! :D:D
    Rclinftl and lvetterli like this.
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