Silver plate tureen?

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by Chinoiserie, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. Chinoiserie

    Chinoiserie Well-Known Member

    Last metal item if the day. Not sure how to describe it other than a tureen? It has 45cl on it so must be intended for liquid. Also there is a spoon slot in the lid. Quite badly tarnished but it is starting to polish up quite nicely. Diameter is 13cm to give some perspective.

    IMG20240223200948_copy_1088x1452.jpg IMG20240223200954_copy_959x1279.jpg IMG20240223200957_copy_959x1280.jpg IMG_20240223_202243_copy_1056x1408.jpg IMG_20240223_202225_copy_1041x1388.jpg
    johnnycb09 and LauraGarnet02 like this.
  2. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

  3. LauraGarnet02

    LauraGarnet02 Well-Known Member

  4. Finnclouds

    Finnclouds Well-Known Member

  5. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    At 13cm it's too tiny for a bowl to serve soups. It could be a piece of hotel silverplate that had a glass liner. Then it would be brought to the table holding just a single serving. Or a sauce for something else.
  6. Finnclouds

    Finnclouds Well-Known Member

    Re 45 cl — anything you can pour, like sugar and flour, is often measured in centiliters and desiliters in e.g. recipes, at least in Scandinavia. I assume that goes for Germany as well.
    johnnycb09 and Chinoiserie like this.
  7. Chinoiserie

    Chinoiserie Well-Known Member

    Thank you. Nice umlaut. Is gut jah
    Marote and daveydempsey like this.
  8. Chinoiserie

    Chinoiserie Well-Known Member

    Very true. Posh sugar bowl maybe...
  9. Chinoiserie

    Chinoiserie Well-Known Member

    Okay cool.
  10. Chinoiserie

    Chinoiserie Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the links. I have been polishing it and it does seem very much like silver. The information discusses the alloy used as a base and this would explain why it looks very silver like.
  11. Chinoiserie

    Chinoiserie Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the link. Sorry I've been reading replies in reverse order for some strange reason. :rolleyes:
    LauraGarnet02 likes this.
  12. Chinoiserie

    Chinoiserie Well-Known Member

    It has scrubbed up quite well.

    verybrad, komokwa, johnnycb09 and 2 others like this.
  13. LauraGarnet02

    LauraGarnet02 Well-Known Member

    *gasp* what a difference.
    johnnycb09 and Chinoiserie like this.
  14. Chinoiserie

    Chinoiserie Well-Known Member

    Looking at the time of my first post it took quite a while. It was worth it though.
    Marote, johnnycb09 and LauraGarnet02 like this.

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