Signature abstract painting expert needed

Discussion in 'Art' started by benbenny007, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. benbenny007

    benbenny007 I buy rubbish, and sell antiques

    I'm not really a abstract fan so have no knowledge at all about this piece. It came with a few other paintings I purchased over the years. Clearing out a bit and wanted to give this to somebody or donate it. It was bought in the London and it has a label of a English framer. Could be from any country, London is a multicultural city and people come and go every day. Its probably nothing but don't want to make the mistake and giveaway a Pollock :)






    Last edited: Mar 7, 2017
  2. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Does kind of have that Pollock look to it. I would take some time to try and research that signature though. You never know. Kind of looks like K???is Culken(s) to me.
  3. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Last name Lockton?
    First name Kenneth, Kevin, Katherine?
  4. benbenny007

    benbenny007 I buy rubbish, and sell antiques

    Tried it but nothing yet. Colkton?
    Will be a difficult one. Tried everything but don't have the resources.
  5. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    I agree with "Katherine" as being the first name but really need a close up at a different angle to be able to see the last name.
  6. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Katherine Collier?
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