Sheffield Sterling “B in a Shield” Maker Mark Who Dunnit???

Discussion in 'Silver' started by bennett, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. bennett

    bennett New Member

    This big tray weighs over 55 OZT and is marked with a crown (Sheffield), a Lion facing left (sterling), date letter a (1918) and a maker’s mark B in a shield-shaped reserve.

    Anyone know the maker? Been searching for some time now and getting frustrated… If there is no premium for the maker, I may just melt the piece for scrap.

    Any help would be appreciated!!! This is my first post! I’ll try to contribute if I’m smart enough…

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    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  2. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    I can't help but the silver people probably can. Welcome to the board.
  3. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

    I checked the usual spots on the web and my books, no luck to "B" for maker. 1918, right?
  4. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

    I now see you said 1918, sorry!
  5. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    Hi and welcome! Don't read anything into this, it's really a question for the silver mavens but doesn't that crown look a bit odd or is it just a different stamp?
  6. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Not British hallmarks, some kind of pseudo-marks, seem to recall seeing them not too long ago, but my memory fails me - can't even remember if the maker was IDed, or whether silver or electroplate...

    afantiques likes this.
  7. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Bennett,
    Welcome to the forum. It really is a very nice tray. It would be a shame to lose it to scrappers. I would try listing it first for more money than scrap just to test the waters. Your photography is really wonderful.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  8. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Proper 1918 Sheffield hallmarks:

  9. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

  10. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Sorry, doesn't look close to me at all - the supposed hallmarks are just completely 'off'. Strikes me as extremely unlikely that the Sheffield Assay Office ever saw this tray...

    Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
  11. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

  12. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    Before the other posts appeared I was near tears thinking that if sterling it would be scrapped. :arghh:

    That crown looks familiar too? I think I saw it here not too long ago.
  13. afantiques

    afantiques Well-Known Member

    Certainly not British or British made, you'd get banged up in the Tower for marking something like that, clearly meant to deceive.
    Time to get out the acid and a (tiny) file. It's a bit tough if you paid silver price for it and it is not kosher.
  14. bennett

    bennett New Member

    Thanks for the compliment, silver is super-tough to capture! I'm not even sure if the piece is authentic, so I cannot in good conscience list it for sale yet. Thanks again!
  15. bennett

    bennett New Member

    I am 100% open to the very real possibility that it is not authentic, but thought I'd bounce it smarter people first!
  16. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    It is definitely not authentic British sterling silver, seldom state anything as fact unless it can be firmly backed up - but believe the mark photographs show clear evidence that your item is not properly marked, and as mentioned, it is not British electroplate either, since the marks are obvious imitations of the 1918 Sheffield silver marks, and no British manufacturer would use them. AF's 'Tower' comment is referring to the strict regulations and stiff penalties in the U.K. regarding hallmarking - if presented at a British assay office, those marks would be summarily defaced.

    Have seen this mark at least once before, but just can't remember the circumstances - it may be solid silver, though perhaps not sterling standard, or it may be electroplate. At this point, the only other thing I'd say is that it dates post WWI...

    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
    afantiques likes this.
  17. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    I saw this query over on eBay yesterday. Before replying to say definitely not British hallmarks, I was hoping to ID the maker. After searching my silver references and a multitude of silver mark websites as well as endless google searches with no luck, I came on over here to see that the OP had posted a query with Cheryl (DragonflyWink) replying. If Cheryl doesn't know the maker, I certainly won't be able to ID it. Cheryl is one of the most knowledgeable silver expert on the web. She is one of the moderators on the 925-1000 silver forums, an active participant on the SilverSalon forums, etc... Believe me, if Cheryl is definite on something silver, you can take it to the bank!!!

    --- Susan
  18. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Much appreciated, but undeserved praise, so many more folks with much more knowledge - I'm learning all the time. So little time for myself these days, not a particularly active participant anywhere these days...

    Bugs me that I can't remember where I've seen these marks - you're a great researcher, Susan, maybe it will turn up for you yet.

  19. bennett

    bennett New Member

    Wow, we've got real experts in the house! Well, I think it is pretty much proven that the piece is not real. I just had to get input, and I got it! What a great experience for my first post! Seems like a lot of the EBay community board (when they had one) was often rude, ignorant, or both. Everyone here seems very nice and knowledgeable! Thanks for all your help and input!
    elarnia likes this.
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