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Serving Tray help

Discussion in 'Art' started by Michael77, May 2, 2019.

  1. Michael77

    Michael77 Well-Known Member

    Hello All, Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place. I was given this serving tray by a customer who was cleaning out her closets. She bought it from antique shop several years ago. It was a gift to someone's grandmother in 1932 as a note pasted to rear side describes. Just checking to see if anyone knows anything about it. No manufactures info anywhere on it. Thanks IMG_2383 27 3&4in x 17 1&4in.jpg IMG_2384.jpg
    Jaena and Shwikman like this.
  2. Shwikman

    Shwikman Well-Known Member

    I like the picture a lot. Looks like there’s a little bunny or something hanging out in the background. Wondering if someone added a thin piece of plywood or veneer to the back at some point?
  3. Michael77

    Michael77 Well-Known Member

    I don't see the bunny there. The tray is made of wood. I can't tell how the picture is a laminated or what?, I don't believe it was painted due to no brush strokes. It measures 25''x17''. Color in the pics don't do it justice. Thanks for your response!
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  4. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    I see the animal but . . . I think it is a little mouse . . . not a bunny rabbit (as my sister and I used to say when we were children).

    In fact, my father raised rabbits at one point during our childhood. We had some of the most beautiful chinchilla rabbits. The first "mamma" rabbit and "daddy" rabbit (as my little sister and I said when we were children) were named "Ike" (male) and "Mamie" (female). :happy:

    Those names alone will clue people in as to when my daddy began keeping/raising rabbits as pets after he had married and had children.;)
    Jaena, judy, Michael77 and 1 other person like this.
  5. Pat P

    Pat P Well-Known Member

    The image reminds me of still life prints I've had that I thought were published in the 1940s. My prints might be older than I realized, or they may have been reproductions of paintings from an earlier decade.
    judy and Michael77 like this.
  6. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    I'm seeing leaves, not an animal. I really like this. It's not run of the mill like most trays. I can see why they had it hanging up.
    judy and Pat P like this.
  7. Jaena

    Jaena Well-Known Member

    The little gray mouse is off to the left standing up at the edge of the table (probably expects some goodies to be there). He/she is just to the right of what looks like a portion of a dark tree trunk on the far left.
    judy, Michael77 and Bakersgma like this.
  8. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Ahhhhhhh! There he is!
    judy and Jaena like this.
  9. Michael77

    Michael77 Well-Known Member

    Well maybe I see a head, two ears and a nose. When look at it I think it might be a bear cub.
    judy and Jaena like this.
  10. Jaena

    Jaena Well-Known Member

    LOL - He will be whatever you want him to be.
    judy and Michael77 like this.
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