Rothenburg watercolor revisited

Discussion in 'Art' started by 916Bulldogs123, Feb 17, 2017.

  1. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    I removed it from the frame and found this writing. maybe just the previous owner that had it framed, But can't translate the writing under it. Any help would be appreciated.


  2. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Mr. Mc Culey
    blair? blan? Saint Retlo? Peflo?
  3. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    My thoughts exactly cluttered. ;):banghead::blackeye:
    clutteredcloset49 likes this.
  4. leeddie

    leeddie Well-Known Member

    It reads Mr. McCuley
    Class Paint
    Not sure on the last bit
  5. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    It looks like blais Saint Roth. I definitely think the last word is a contraction of the town.

    St. Blais was not a saint in Rothenburg, but there is a district of Madrid named after him and Rothenburg is on the pilgrimage route to St. James Church in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
    leeddie likes this.
  6. leeddie

    leeddie Well-Known Member

    Your reading would make a lot more sense than what I saw. I kept thinking the dotted i was dirt.

    Why does almost any writing, signature or other having to do with art a pain to decipher.. maybe they're closeted doctors
  7. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    Awsome. thank you both very much.
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