Featured Roman Vessel - Real or Fake

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Jason Stearns, Feb 13, 2022.

  1. Jason Stearns

    Jason Stearns New Member

    Hello - I purchased a couple roman glass vessels. Any thoughts as to whether these are the real deal or just forgeries? Vessel 1 is about 2 3/4" tall and Vessel 2 measures 3" tall. The glass looks thin as it should and the lips are smooth as well.

    @Ownedbybear has been super helpful. I'd love your thoughts.
    Vessel 1:
    Vessel 2:
    Born2it, judy and Bronwen like this.
  2. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    It's certainly possible, and one piece has an old collector's/museum tag on the bottom. More Roman glass survived than you'd think.
    Boland, Hi2022 and judy like this.
  3. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    Hands on inspection would probably be better, there is only so much you can tell by photos. Contact your local museum, they should be able to recommend someone to look at it for you.
    Born2it, Boland and Hi2022 like this.
  4. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    Do you have any reliable history as to where these objects came from?
    Boland and Hi2022 like this.
  5. Jason Stearns

    Jason Stearns New Member

    Not precise details. I bought it from a guy who's mom was an antiques dealer in Chicago and he'd gotten rid of most of the glass a few years ago but hung onto it until he sold it to me.
  6. reader

    reader Well-Known Member

    Look good to me and I think you should get them checked. You can start by sending pics to museums with ancient glass collections. See if you get a response. I’ve had pieces identified that way (responses not always given though LOL)
    Born2it and Boland like this.
  7. Jason Stearns

    Jason Stearns New Member

    I did and was ignored from several sadly (lol)
  8. reader

    reader Well-Known Member

    Sorry but that doesn’t mean they’re not authentic-in my experience small ancient glass vessels are only significant when intricate and yours are simple although i love them.

    Some auction houses have a day a month where the public can bring in a few items for identification.
    Born2it likes this.
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