Learned new term today. I’ve seen this type of architecture and always liked it, but until now, had no name for it. https://amp.freep.com/amp/1857234001
Thanks for posting this. I hadn't heard of the style, either. It's a nice article, too. I love that they found all of those items. Had to smile at this part, though: "'Actually the building was so loved that once news got out that we had bought the building … people literally came out of the woodwork' with artifacts from the Civil War, said David Carleton, who is executive producer at Minefield." Is the building haunted by past GAR members?
Also, the company is Mindfield, not "Minefield," so while entities "literally" manifesting from the woodwork may be scary, worry not, the place is in no imminent danger of exploding. Proofreader and copy-editor, two skilled jobs currently as much in demand as "telegraph operator" and "manuscript illuminator"... "If you liked this story, you might also like..." https://richardson-olmsted.com/ https://www.hotelhenry.com/