Rewire or Chuck?

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by dude, Jan 11, 2020.

  1. dude

    dude Well-Known Member

    Had this in storage. Don't think it's anything worth salvaging but would like your opinions before I give it away. Thanks!









  2. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Id rewire it .Id guess 1960s faux victorian/colonial . In the world of ugly lamps,its not half bad . :)
  3. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    In my neck of the woods there are 3 or 4 of this style, or similar at most thrift stores...and they just sit...
    Ghopper1924, judy, Fid and 3 others like this.
  4. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

  5. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    You have my blessing.

    Ghopper1924 likes this.
  6. Hollyblue

    Hollyblue Well-Known Member

    Debora likes this.
  7. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    It'll be fun when folks ask you why you reported every thread on the 1st 2 pages of the site....:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:;);)
    Ghopper1924 and Darkwing Manor like this.
  8. Darkwing Manor

    Darkwing Manor Well-Known Member

    What's going on with all the reporting?
    Ghopper1924 likes this.
  9. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    Because we have a had a massive Spam attack across the boards, last count was 59 threads involved, around 8 seperate ID's and IP #
    Ghopper1924 and komokwa like this.
  10. Darkwing Manor

    Darkwing Manor Well-Known Member

    Thank you! Sorry you have to deal with that!
    komokwa and Ghopper1924 like this.
  11. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    They really came with it tonight.....glad we have a good team here !!!
    Ghopper1924 likes this.
  12. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    It must have seem like you were playing a video game zapping away at the intruders. ;):D:D
    Bakersgma and komokwa like this.
  13. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    I could really not have done with it today.
    I went to bed late and got up early intending to start a big clearance in the village.

    Zapped all the baddies from the reports.

    I lost my wallet overnight, just could not find it anywhere, which is not like me.

    I called my Dad before starting work and got no answer, so I called someone nearer to check on him and he'd fallen and had been on the floor for 6 hours.

    So long story short I had to drive across the city and leave my job and get him up and sorted.

    His emergency help buzzer from around his neck was in the washing machine along with his shirt and laundry:mad::confused:

    3 hours later I commenced the clearance but did not finish it today so have to go back tomorrow.

    Just got home and first drink and food for 12 hours.

    Found my wallet on the seat of my other car which I had been driving yesterday.:oops:
    johnnycb09 likes this.
  14. Darkwing Manor

    Darkwing Manor Well-Known Member

    Bless your heart. You have a lot on your plate. How can we help?
  15. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    I hope your father recovers quickly from his fall. :(
    johnnycb09 and daveydempsey like this.
  16. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    I had noticed you were MIA yesterday & was hoping that your Dad was okay. I know you usually zap the intruders pretty quick when you are around, so I was hoping you were off selling some of the bootie from your last couple of clearances. Hopefully his alert button is no worse for wear & sparkling clean. ;):p:p:D:D
    johnnycb09 likes this.
  17. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    Yes its clean and still works :D

    I've been really busy, another 4 clearances to do over the next 2 weeks.
    Got some good stuff today, Doulton, Wedgwood, medals, swagger stick,silver, about £300 in pure copper , cash, etc but my mind was elsewhere.
    Bakersgma and johnnycb09 like this.
  18. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    I can just imagine. Anyway that is why you have the lock up. You just pile it up the good things that you want to keep or research further until such time as things calm down a bit.

    Take care of yourself & no more going that long without drinking something. You can go 12 hours without eating, but you have got to stay hydrated.
    Bakersgma and daveydempsey like this.
  19. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    I had days like that when we were dealing with both my parents and my husband's parents.

    One time taking Jon's mother to a doctor's appointment I lost my phone. Never to be found. Three years later we traded in my car. They called to say when they were detailing it they found the phone trapped under the passenger seat.

    Sending hugs your way.
    daveydempsey and johnnycb09 like this.
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