Resource for Reed and Barton Holloware Pattern Names?

Discussion in 'Silver' started by Darkwing Manor, May 24, 2020.

  1. Darkwing Manor

    Darkwing Manor Well-Known Member

    Hello Intrepid Researchers!
    I'm hitting dead ends trying to find the original name for this Reed and Barton plated tea/coffee set. Worthpoint calls it Cherub/Fairy/Midsummer Night's Dream, which is unwieldy and unlikely to have been the original name. It is pattern number 2814, late 1800s. Is there an on-line resource that lists original Reed & Barton holloware pattern names? I'm finding many flatware sites, but nothing else. Thank you! reed Barton fairy silver set.jpg reed barton fairy 2.jpg
  2. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Many hollow ware designs of the 1800's never had an official name. In fact, finding one associated with a flatware pattern is about the best you can do. Normally those names would be assigned in the patent application, assuming such was applied for. Given what I see in the picture you posted, the seller just used all those words to describe it. (You do realize that Worthpoint is only a service that harvests online sales info and not a site that actually sold the items they report, right? Most of their sales are harvested from eBay.)

    Replacements does carry hollowware and if they know about flatware patterns with associated, named service pieces, they do list them. But I know that's not what you are looking for.
  3. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    That's sweet.
    There was a book about fairy children and flowers written in the late 1800s. Beleive it was very popular. Wonder if the pattern is a take off of that.

    Agree with Bakers about most patterns not having names.

    Best you can hope for is to find a Reed and Barton catalog showing pattern 2814
  4. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    judy and Darkwing Manor like this.
  5. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Agree that it was unlikely that it ever had a 'pattern name' - ran through the R&B patents in my files, didn't find it, but those long legs are an 1870s-'80s thing.

    Not much point in contacting Reed & Barton, they're just a division of Lenox now - keep hoping I'll hear that someone salvaged the company archives, but five years after their bankrupcy and sale, haven't heard anything about them being saved...

  6. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Cheryl,
    Reed and Barton is not associated with Lenox anymore. Lenox was sold to Dept 56 and the only thing being made in the USA is dinnerware. That is soon to be taken over by the Orient. All of the "library" of all the companies have been laid off and the company will no longer answer requests. My old friend who was a librarian for Lenox was "retired" and shortly after died. Her family much to my dismay tossed all of her notebooks and old catalogues into the trash. Anytime I found an old piece of Lenox I would stop by and she would ID for me.
    bercrystal and judy like this.
  7. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Hi Greg, they're still a division of Lenox, along with Dansk and Kate Spade:

    Can remember when Brown-Forman bought them in the '80s - Hartmann Luggage (and Jack Daniels) were part of the company too. I was managing a high- end luggage shop that sold tons of Hartmann, who had a point-based incentive - some of us had pretty much filled up on luggage (I have a full set, and had given endless gifts of luggage and leather goods), so they gave us the option of using our points for Lenox (we lobbied for Jack, too) - so I have a full service for eight in the 'Autumn' pattern, along with tons of other stuff, most given as gifts...

    Figtree3 and bercrystal like this.
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