Quick help for strange animal wood bench please

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by tyeldom3, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. tyeldom3

    tyeldom3 Well-Known Member

    PLEASE don't laugh at me! Just found this at a local yard sale. Unsure what type of wood this is. Cypress?, and don't know what kind of animal it is supposed to be. The guy thinks it's weird also. Said it was a friend of his. It is very cheap $10., but I hesitate because it has been under a tarp in the yard for a month, and has mildew, and the fur is very dirty. If I got it, I would remove the fur before putting it in my car, because it is so dusty/dirty. I would clean the wood somehow, and recover it with new fur. Yes, very strange, but I think it could be neat.....if I ever find the time to do something with it.
    Do you think it would have any resale value, if I did the work?
    Thanks for your thoughts. fam pics 016.JPG fam pics 017.JPG fam pics 018.JPG fam pics 019.JPG fam pics 020.JPG
  2. afantiques

    afantiques Well-Known Member

    If it is strong enough for a child to sit on, I can imagine that becoming some small child's friend for life.

    If I were five, I'd ride the Duckybeast to Narnia and beyond!
  3. tyeldom3

    tyeldom3 Well-Known Member

    Lol Af thanks!
    It seems to be pretty strong, even for an adult. I'm just concerned if the mildew will come off, or if it's ruined.
    I love Narnia!!!!!:kiss:
    Oh, and I forgot. The man said, his friend said, that it used to be in the house/set of the old tv show Dallas, in the 70's, but that it was never on film, and there is no way to prove that. :(
  4. 'Nuff_Said

    'Nuff_Said Well-Known Member

    Maybe it's a piece by or inspired by designer: Judy Kensley McKie and someone took the liberty to cover it with far???
    tyeldom3 likes this.
  5. tyeldom3

    tyeldom3 Well-Known Member

    Thank snuff! I'll check into that. I think I'm gonna go back over there and get it.....if it's still there. I'll bring a bunch of garbage bags to cover it with and keep the dirt out of my car!!:yuck::kiss:
    Thank you!
  6. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Blast it with a leaf blower when you unload it.
    tyeldom3 likes this.
  7. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Looks like it escaped from a Dr. Seuss book.

    I like Af's idea about a child's bench

    Mineral oil on the mildew.
    tyeldom3 likes this.
  8. Mill Cove Treasures

    Mill Cove Treasures Well-Known Member

    Before you try to clean the mildew, leave it out in the sun, several days if possible. Bring it in at night. Then vacuum. The sun kills mold spores. I learned that from someone that was in the upholstery business back in the old days.

    Back in the early 1990s, I asked him for some advice on what to use when my couch got wet when the roof leaked and I was away. He said "What the heck do you think we did before all these fancy machines were available. The sun, the sun. That's all you need is the sun and some patience, something you kids now a days seem to have in short supply". I've been using the sun ever since.
  9. tyeldom3

    tyeldom3 Well-Known Member

    Thank you all so much, Greg, cluttered, and millcovetreasures, for the help!
    I am now the proud new owner of this creature!!LOL!
    My BF, said it will be sitting at the curb on garbage day:(:p:wacky:.
    This creature is reminding me more and more of an exaggerated poodle, the more I look at it.
    He is currently sitting out in the sun, and was blow dryed with the leaf blower. I didn't have any mineral oil, so I washed the wood with a little bleach water, and dryed it quickly. I haven't removed the fur yet, but underneath I pulled it up a bit, and can see a plain piece of wood with a cushion on top. So, I think he (or it) was meant to be this creature thing.
    Thanks all for your the great help & advice.:cat:
    afantiques likes this.
  10. afantiques

    afantiques Well-Known Member

    I'd have bought it like a shot, just to see what the cat made of it.
    tyeldom3 and Messilane like this.
  11. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Scratching post or nap spot. My cats would like it for about two days, and then ignore it to sleep on whatever they aren't supposed to sleep on.
    tyeldom3 and Messilane like this.
  12. tyeldom3

    tyeldom3 Well-Known Member

    My cat would be sniffing it for hours :hilarious:
  13. silverthwait

    silverthwait Well-Known Member

    A companion for the Heffalump?
    tyeldom3 likes this.
  14. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Bleach does not kill mildew.
    It only whitens and ruins a lot of things.

    If you want to kill mildew, use vinegar. It does not whiten, but you won't have to try and kill the mildew again in 6 months.
    tyeldom3 likes this.
  15. silverthwait

    silverthwait Well-Known Member

    Flokati! One of those back-of-the-brain things. Back in the 60's, hairy white rugs were all over the place. Some were wool, some were sheepskins (or other hairy, white critters), and some were totally created out of whatever the chemical version is of spun sugar. Ask me; I know. I had one next to my bed that I decided to launder in (thank goodness!) my own bathtub. It literally dissolved into stringy, slimy glutch. UGH!
    tyeldom3 likes this.
  16. tyeldom3

    tyeldom3 Well-Known Member

    Thank you cluttered :) I used the vinegar just a little bit ago. I think it's ok, and I didn't do any damage with the bleach water. There is a clear coat on the wood, so I think it's ok. I will be removing the fur and hand sanding the clear coat, and start all over with this creature hopefully soon, to make him good as new. Thanks for all the great advice.
    Silverthwait you always make me laugh!:joyful:
  17. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Pat,
    Bleach does kill mildew only the time it takes usually ruins whatever you are trying to clean.LOL
    I use vinegar for just about everything.
  18. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Hi greg -
    My experience with bleach and bathrooms, leads me to believe it does not kill mildew. In 4-6 months you have to do it again.
    Whereas using vinegar and oxyclean to clean the tiles has resulted in not having to redo the tiles for a very, very long time. Like a couple of years.
    The only thing, vinegar does not whiten like bleach does.
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