Question: Looking for a reputable Book Re-Binder for a prized Bible

Discussion in 'Books' started by buyjunksellantiques, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. You all are from different areas of the country (USA) and I think internationally. I am going to rely on your input in my search for someone who's specialty is fixing a binding on an antique Bible. I'm willing to ship it to an insured professional for the repair, so location isn't a problem. I want someone who does antiquities/relics restoration and I'm hoping someone in this group knows someone or knows what University, or Company that I can trust based on their clientele and reputation.

    This is so very important to me. I want to keep this Bible because of it's beauty and content. The Bible I have is similar to what is considered a "Salesman's Sample". I've already had it appraised, so I know it's value; I'm not looking for that information. The appraiser gave me a couple of names but they didn't pan out for me. They were just book binders and didn't specialize in antiquities. The covers on the Bible are hand tooled leather (ginseng leaves and fisherman's knots); and the leather covers metal plates. Because of the weight of the covers, I clumsily sat it down without it being "clasped closed" (the clasps are sterling!); and I broke the back cover from the book! Argh!!! I was so irate with myself for taking the stability of the book for granted and now it's important for me to have it restored. But just the binding, not the content on the inside; btw ... the pictures are LITHOGRAPHS not prints!

    The memory of the day I found this Bible is a memory that will stay with me for a very long time. I happened on it ... at the right place at the right time so to speak. And the price was right (30 bucks). I knew it was special but I had no idea until I had it appraised, just how special it is. So any help from you all would put me in your debt. Thank you.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015
    KingofThings likes this.
  2. silverthwait

    silverthwait Well-Known Member

    I believe in the obvious sometimes. Were it mine, I would enquire at the Library of Congress, the Metropolitan Museum and the New York City Library at Fifth Avenue.
  3. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    Look at FIRSTS magazine's website. I doubt very much that they would ever allow a poor company to advertise in them though I am not certain.
    If you don't find anyone outright in an ad ask some of the other booksellers and get an average opinion.
    If you don't find any this way I can get out some of my back issues and check for you.
    Don't miss the 'Links to fine book professionals' option.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015
    buyjunksellantiques likes this.
  4. Messilane

    Messilane Well-Known Member

  5. OMGosh, DUH?? I'm an idiot. I never dreamed or thought about that. I will share this about the Bible, it once belonged to a man who was deeply religious and deeply ruthless in his business dealings. He was a native New Englander and it just occurred to me that maybe his family might be interested in having it back.

    Provenance ... it amazes me how with little regard, surviving family members treat their departed loved one's items. This Bible was passed to the granddaughter of the original owner and when she passed, she forgot to pass along the information about it's history. Because it appears to be an ornate Bible and the purchase date was 1887, I suppose it wasn't old enough to command the high dollar figure that surviving loved ones seek in their family heirlooms; so it was cast off and donated. That's where I found it. I have a large assortment of antique Bibles, so I knew immediately that this one was unique. But when I took it to be appraised, and they told me who the Monogram of it's original owner was (JDR); you could have knocked me over with a feather. This Bible made it's way from New England to the great plains and ended up in Omaha. And on a book shelf, there it was. I saw it, and snapped it up immediately.
    That's the story. And $29 was the price tag.

    Thank you King of Things, Silverthwait and Messilane. (((((((((((hugging all three of you))))))))))
  6. This Bible or it's original form, was entered into the Library of Congress from 1872 - 1885 as it states on the copyright page. And it was awarded 6 times from 1873 - 1875 for various gold medals for the illustrations (the lithographs), and the binding. This is why I wanted it fixed by someone who deals with relics and antiquities.

    I will contact each one of them and see if they would be interested in my restoring the binding of my Bible. Thanks Silverthwait
  7. Pat P

    Pat P Well-Known Member

    I spoke to someone who was highly recommended to me by a bookseller who has used them. The binder is in Boston and was very personable on the phone. His prices seemed reasonable, but I don't have much perspective on this.

    I haven't used him yet since I haven't figured out yet which, if any, of my books it makes sense to have repaired.

    I don't have time now, but will try to look up his info and post it later.
    buyjunksellantiques likes this.
  8. Ooops, I should have said ABOUT 30 BUCKS! It was $29.00. Sorry. :oops:
  9. Thank you PatP. I'll send pictures of the Bible privately if you or the moderators would like to see it. But I was told not to post it online, so I won't.
  10. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Yale's Rare Book library would be another good place to ask.
  11. Pat P

    Pat P Well-Known Member

    JoAnn, I'm going to send you a message about the bookbinder.
  12. Thank you Pat P. I really do appreciate your help.
    Pat P likes this.
  13. Thank you Evelyb, I knew this was the right place to go and ask for help. Thank you so very much!
  14. milestoneks

    milestoneks Active Member

    I sent a family bible to: a few weeks ago. Have never used them, but liked their web page and they corresponded well. A large bible with detached top cover and several pages. Cover overall was faded/rubbed and deteriorating. One prior estimate I received from another binder was $300-$600 so I was reluctant, until I received an email from The Bookman. Their estimate was much less. Here is the before. I will post the after upon it's arrival if your interested in a look/see Bible 001.jpg Bible 002.jpg
  15. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Were they both offering the same level of repair ??

    Sometimes......ya get what ya pay for.....

    ( unlike the recent complaint against Whole Foods ! )
  16. Pat P

    Pat P Well-Known Member

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