Possible WPA oil painting...what are these guys doing?

Discussion in 'Art' started by cartoongirl, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. cartoongirl

    cartoongirl "Don't Blink!"

    IMG_4647.JPG IMG_4649.JPG IMG_4650.JPG IMG_4651.JPG IMG_4652.JPG Hi! Have a nice painting that said 'WPA' to me as soon as i saw it.

    oil on canvas board...canvas looks to be about 16" by 20"

    no signature visible (dang it!). the painting is very clean and bright.

    As for what the men are doing...maybe playing dice?

    Any help appreciated as always!
    KingofThings likes this.
  2. anundverkaufen

    anundverkaufen Bird Feeder

    I think they're on lunch break from the mill/factory in the background left, the guy standing up is serving a beverage from the can in the foreground left.
  3. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
  4. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    I can see why you say that for it looks Thomas Hart Benton to me though a bit bright in colors.
  5. anundverkaufen

    anundverkaufen Bird Feeder

  6. springfld.arsenal

    springfld.arsenal Store: http://www.springfieldarsenal.net/

    You might be able to guess what part of the US this was from the architecture. Then you can guess the date from the black vehicle.

    What's meaning of sign over window to left of center? Seems to say "7th COPY" or whatever.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
    KingofThings and cartoongirl like this.
  7. Mary Delaney

    Mary Delaney Well-Known Member

    Shooting/playing marbles.
    KingofThings likes this.
  8. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Mary
    More than likely playing craps with dice. Playing marbles would have taken a larger space and not so much a grown up thing.:rolleyes:
    KingofThings and cartoongirl like this.
  9. springfld.arsenal

    springfld.arsenal Store: http://www.springfieldarsenal.net/

    Or the sign might say "7th Day" as in 7th Day Church of God, which split off from the more famous 7th day religion in the late 19th C. I think because they rejected Susan White as Prophetess. Or maybe it is just the painting's title, since it could be a scene from a small town on a Sunday.
    KingofThings likes this.
  10. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    It says TONY's. ;)

    Neither dice nor marbles would work well on a grassy surface.

    The container looks like a milk can.
  11. springfld.arsenal

    springfld.arsenal Store: http://www.springfieldarsenal.net/

    Tony's it is! Good for you Ms. B! The dark dome- top object next to boys could be a small animal carrier. Maybe they found an injured squirrel or fox and are attempting first-aid.
    cartoongirl likes this.
  12. cartoongirl

    cartoongirl "Don't Blink!"

    Hello! Sorry to be late to the party...crazy busy day! you guys are awesome!

    yes...it does say tonys!

    Tim...Regionalism Movement...thank you!
    I was wondering why you don't think it's of the period? i neglected to mention my friend did have it cleaned and framed about 15 years ago.

    Thank guys and gals!
  13. anundverkaufen

    anundverkaufen Bird Feeder

    The color palette seems to bright to me but maybe it's a product of the digital photos and having been cleaned.
    Is it nailed to the stretcher and can you show the back of the canvas? I could be convinced otherwise. Either way it's not as refined as most paintings of this genre and period by well known artists.
    cartoongirl likes this.
  14. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    They could have something on the grass like a blanket. I also think it represents a dice game. As primitive as it looks, I think the colors look modern. I would like to see the back of the canvas, too.
    cartoongirl likes this.
  15. cartoongirl

    cartoongirl "Don't Blink!"

    Hi! i'll have to ask my friend if i can remove the paper on the back, but i'm pretty sure it's canvas board.
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