Featured Possible opal bracelet help with identification

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by LookRefined, Mar 12, 2023.

  1. LookRefined

    LookRefined Member

    Hello I have an 'opal' and peridot bracelet that was passed on to me however knowing very little about opal I'm not sure if the opal in the bracelet is real. It looks lovely from the top and back and is quite thin but when held up to the light it turns orange/pink which makes me think it must not be opal and I wondered if anyone can help me. It is set in 9ct gold but perhaps faux opals are used in precious jewellery? I have attached some photos. Many thanks

    Attached Files:

  2. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Looks good to me. Very pretty.
  3. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It is opal, but it could be lab opal. Pretty bracelet.
    Could you photograph one opal cabochon from different sides please? We need to see if there is any 'colour play'.
    And please post your photos full image.:)
  4. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member


    Opals look flat to me.
  5. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    You mention it's 9ct. Is there are mark that says that? If yes, are there any other marks you see on this? In addition to the other photos requested, please add a close-up photo if yes.
  6. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Thanks, it looks like lab created now, but we need to see more photos of a single stone.
    I couldn't see the cut, and since these are often cabs, that's what I thought. I only saw one thumbnail and it takes ages to open even a single thumbnail pic (if at all), so I had to look through a loupe.
    One of many reasons why I asked for 'full image'.;)

    But to ascertain whether they are natural or lab, the only important thing is to see if there is colourplay. Both can be cut in any shape.
  7. LookRefined

    LookRefined Member

    Sure give me a few mins x
    LauraGarnet02, kyratango and Bronwen like this.
  8. LookRefined

    LookRefined Member

    Yes will upload the markings too x
    LauraGarnet02, kyratango and Bronwen like this.
  9. LookRefined

    LookRefined Member

    Hope these are better sorry I'm new to the forum
    Picsart_23-03-12_17-56-49-579.jpg Picsart_23-03-12_17-57-19-561.jpg Picsart_23-03-12_17-57-43-984.jpg Picsart_23-03-12_17-57-58-475.jpg Picsart_23-03-12_17-58-11-837.jpg Picsart_23-03-12_17-58-34-180.jpg Picsart_23-03-12_17-58-48-491.jpg Picsart_23-03-12_17-59-02-826.jpg Picsart_23-03-12_17-59-22-647.jpg
  10. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

  11. LookRefined

    LookRefined Member

  12. LookRefined

    LookRefined Member

    So just to add some further info. It's not particularly transparent on a flat surface but if you hold it up to light it becomes very transparent and turns pinky/orange. I really don't know much about opal at all obviously the real deal would be worth money but is synthetic opal worthless it's such a pretty bracelet?
    LauraGarnet02 and Bronwen like this.
  13. LookRefined

    LookRefined Member

    Posted x
    Lucille.b, LauraGarnet02 and Bronwen like this.
  14. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    it's a charming bracelet , likely easy to sell for higher than the gold melt value....& the stones dance with color.....but.....small stones like these ...whether lab or dug out of the ground are there for jewelry purpose and not ...almost never...investement quality...

    the gold is worth more than the stones.
    LookRefined likes this.
  15. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Thank you, they show colour play in both opals in the first, second and third photos, meaning their colour arrangements differ from one photo to another.
    For instance, the opal on the end is almost all green in photo#1, green with blue spots in #2, and with turquoise and purple added in #3. That difference is the sign of a natural opal.

    With lab opals (real stones 'grown' in a lab)) and synthetic opals (polymer infused) the colour particles stay in the same position and have the same colour whichever way you turn them.

    So my opinion, based on the natural colour play, is natural opals.
    Please don't apologize, you weren't to know.:) My question was so specific to opals, if you knew that, you wouldn't have needed to ask here.;)
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2023
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