Possible Cyro Armand (?)

Discussion in 'Art' started by artsfarm, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. artsfarm

    artsfarm Active Member

    Hi all,
    I have a painting with a signature that looks like 'Cyro'. In looking that up, I came across a painting by a Cyro Armand (link below). The 'Cyro' in both look similar to me, as well as the pallette and style but I'd like to run this past you all in case someone is familiar with this artist, to be sure. Thanks! The first images are from the Cyro Armand painting on 1st Dibs, and the others are from the painting I have (signed just 'Cyro')
    Many thanks! armand1.jpg armand2.JPG cyro1.jpg cyro2.jpg cyro3.jpg cyro4.jpg cyro5.jpg
  2. artsfarm

    artsfarm Active Member

  3. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    i'm not convinced those are the same painter.....
  4. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Theres way too much difference in the paintings to be the same artist,in my humble opinion. The 1st example is beautiful,the 2nd looks like bad factory art.
    Christmasjoy and Any Jewelry like this.
  5. artsfarm

    artsfarm Active Member

    ok good, just wanted to see it through others' eyes :)
    The first picture is the only thing that came up when searching for 'Cyro'. Thanks!
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