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Featured Porcelain trinket box – maker and age identification help

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Abegweit, Apr 27, 2017.

  1. Abegweit

    Abegweit Active Member


    I know it is a long shot, but the 2 marks on the bottom of this porcelain trinket box are all but gone.

    Under highest magnification, all I could make out was maybe an outline of a crown.

    Upon first glance I thought the writing on the piece was original to it, but now I'm wondering if it wasn't just overlaid.

    I think the deep cobalt is stunning and the images on top and inside so beautiful.

    I tried different searches thinking the image may help in identification, and while there are a lot of "couples" scenes, I didn't see any like this one.

    If anyone collects these and can provide feedback on what to call it, approximate
    age and manufacturer, that would be greatly appreciated - Thanks
    IMG_1049.JPG IMG_1050.JPG
  2. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, wonder if it was a "gift/favor" to/for "special" people attending a New Year's Eve party or other gathering which perhaps marked an important milestone in the hotel's history (25/50/75 years). ;)
    judy and Joshua Brown like this.
  3. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    I think the scene on the lid is referred to as a "courting couple". :happy:
    judy, Joshua Brown and Sandra like this.
  4. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

  5. SBSVC

    SBSVC Well-Known Member

    Apparently, New Year's Eve parties were "quite the thing" at the Royal Connaught in Ontario, from at least the 1940's thru at least 1984.

    Here are a couple of snippets I found online:
    Published in: The Hamilton Spectator
    20/01/2013 – Doreen Brunt on the west Mountain has fond memories of the Connaught. She worked there as a young woman in the ’40s and ’50s for the American Can Company, which occupied the upper floors of the hotel. She and friends spent lunch breaks on the “circus roof,” which for years was one of the downtown’s top live music venues. She once met Tony Bennett in the Connaught dining room.
    It was a really booming place. It was the place to go,” she said. “They had the most amazing New Year’s Eve parties — everybody wore long dresses, it was very elegant.” 1950-12-30.pdf
    from Billboard
    AFM Boycotts Canadian Inns
    TORONTO, Dec. 23, 1950.
    -The American Federation of Musicians (AFM) has blacklisted the "Royal group of the Sheraton Hotel chain, with the result that orchestras in five hotels will not play at Christmas and New Year's, Placed on the "unfair" list by the union are .the Mount Royal in Montreal, the King Edward in Toronto; the General Brock, Niagara Falls; Royal Connaught, Hamilton, and the Prince Edward in Windsor. Arthur Dowell, secretary-treasurer of the union in Toronto, declined comment. Union's actions stem from a dispute between the labor body and the King Edward Hotel. The union insisted the hotel employ 16 musicians, while the hotel offered to use 11 men.
    Work had started on a final 1984 New Year's Eve party, at which guests would be allowed to cart off some of their favourite furniture.


    My guess is that your trinket box was a party favor at one of those New Year's Eve events. Which year, however, I have no idea. As souvenirs go, it's a nice one!
  6. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    French, I suspect.
    judy and Joshua Brown like this.
  7. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Agree, looks like Limoges. I seem to remember Limoges style was copied by others.
  8. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Does say "Happy New Year." Think assumption a New Year's Eve party favor sound.

  9. Abegweit

    Abegweit Active Member

    Thank you all for the feedback. I believe it is Limoges and that the Happy New Year was applied after the fact, whether by the Connaught or the box owner is the question. I searched through some online jewelry store catalogs of the era and could not locate where they sold these boxes. I’m going to see if I can’t enhance the images of the marks to see if I can pull enough detail out to identify one of the marks. Again, thanks for all your help.
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