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Please, can anyone ID this strange vessel?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by MCMjon, Jul 4, 2018.

  1. MCMjon

    MCMjon New Member

    I found this vessel at a thrift store for three USD. It had an old garage sale tag still attached that read, "Vintage Olive Oil Decanter $18". It has four internally connected chambers, a stirrup handle resembling a vine, and two openings on top; a larger one for pouring, and a smaller one to let air in. There is no residual odor of olive oil. It seems a bit unusual to any olive oil pourer I've ever seen. The only similar vessels I have located online are of pre-columbian Incan vessels. They too have the four connected chambers. The chambers look very much like poblano peppers, which is in keeping with the Incan motif. The overall look, however, is of a vessel much, much more recent. The material appears to be terracotta with a hard green glaze (missing in some areas due to age).

    Can anyone please identify this unusual piece for me. I have exhausted all other means.

    Thank you!

    Strange Vessel 1 sm.jpg Strange Vessel 2 sm.jpg
    pearlsnblume and like this.
  2. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Welcome to the Forum, MCMjon! :)
    What an interesting cruet, if that’s the proper term. I’m sure others will be along with suggestions.
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