
Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by dishesonpage, Feb 4, 2020.

  1. dishesonpage

    dishesonpage Active Member

    Can anyone tell me about this pin. It is not marked anywhere that I can find.
    07DC3FB7-778F-463F-A099-EA606968B983.jpeg FAC96025-6B1D-4DE8-9AC0-CD8AE339B163.jpeg 88C34AEE-EE8F-4E79-BEC2-5D172096F596.jpeg
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  2. Hollyblue

    Hollyblue Well-Known Member

    A sash buckle turned into a brooch?
    Any Jewelry, Pat P, Aquitaine and 2 others like this.
  3. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    That's a good guess, Holly. Thought it was a buckle when I first saw it as well.

    Pretty. Looks like it has some age, Victorian maybe. I would test for gold.

    Helpful if we could see the back side as well. There is a lot of information from clasps, etc.
  4. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    My guess is that it would suspend a ribbon.
  5. blooey

    blooey Well-Known Member

    Miss world 1875
  6. dishesonpage

    dishesonpage Active Member

    I just assumed it was a pin that was missing the little closure. Here are some back pictures.
    F3EB68BD-9B68-4A4D-81D4-AC1AA974A902.jpeg ACAFD07E-A870-4660-A090-0F4E8285BB86.jpeg 3C9CBECD-0765-456B-BEE3-4D7910163027.jpeg
  7. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    It's probably rolled gold (a type of early plating).
    I don't think the pin back was added. Believe it is original.
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  8. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Does that front piece (with the 3 prongs) rotate? Might argue for Moreother's suggestion that this was to hold a ribbon or similar.
    Christmasjoy and kyratango like this.
  9. dishesonpage

    dishesonpage Active Member

    Yep!! It sure does, I would have never thought to try that!!
    Christmasjoy and Lucille.b like this.
  10. Hollyblue

    Hollyblue Well-Known Member

    Looks like the pin back was lead soldered and not original.
    Any Jewelry and kyratango like this.
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