Featured Pair 1786 spoons

Discussion in 'Silver' started by J Dagger, Dec 4, 2024 at 2:22 PM.

  1. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    I found examples of this general form from about half of the countries in Europe as well as one made by Fabrege in Russia. Mine are either unmarked or the marks have long been worn away. Sometimes I doubt the inscriptions on some of these ornate European spoons but these two seem honest to me. Does anyone have an opinion on their origin? I thought the Nordic area before seeing examples from Russia, Germany, and elsewhere. FB7265EB-F5BD-461F-99D7-0DD4F71EBC67.jpeg 22265DC1-145A-4A6A-90F8-BB9FCCD46AA5.jpeg 30C2D4FA-7965-43A7-939A-20E673906C1D.jpeg 7D3A2A00-73D4-4462-8D90-FAAFEC01BC03.jpeg 74C91A88-8FE3-45B5-94F5-22281FDAC3EE.jpeg 20E08C85-547D-4A49-BF61-343F5859F46A.jpeg 08FC5225-4CBE-4A8B-A1A8-AA46BF93DAE6.jpeg
    johnnycb09, Marote, komokwa and 3 others like this.
  2. vitry-le-francois

    vitry-le-francois Well-Known Member

    The monogram initials look English, to me. But that doesn't mean anything. You are correct in that there are very similar examples by German, Swedish and Dutch silversmiths.
    Marote and J Dagger like this.
  3. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    I'm drawn to spoons in general, especially those extraordinary in design aspects, like yours.
    Those teardrop bowls are right precious, Dagger...Thanks!
    J Dagger, johnnycb09 and Marote like this.
  4. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    Interesting thought on the look of the engraving. The rest of the small collection that was presented for sale was 100% American and English from what I could tell.
  5. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    I’m a spoon guy too. They are fascinating bits of social history as I see it. We all had/have to eat. Utensils aren’t exciting really but something about their mundanity in a way makes them interesting to me. These ones aren’t mundane necessarily but I like all types.
    wlwhittier likes this.
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