Opinions Andrews Sisters signed sheet music

Discussion in 'Ephemera and Photographs' started by bluumz, May 16, 2016.

  1. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    image.jpeg I'd love to hear some opinions on this signed 1950 sheet music. I came across a stack of older sheet music each one signed by Rudy Tucich. Rudy was well known in the Detroit area jazz scene, hosting for many years a radio program on our local public radio station.
    This is the only piece that had signatures other than Rudy's own. The signatures of Patti, Maxene, and Laverne appear correct when comparing to those seen on the Internet. (Patty did, at times, go by Patti as opposed to Patty.)
    The Gordon Jenkins signature stumps me. The first name is spelled Gordin... Maybe he was possibly mocking Patti's signature with an "i"?
    Billy Rose's signature looks different than the few available for viewing on the Internet.
    The provenance is good but nevertheless there are questions. What do you think? Thanks!
    scoutshouse and KingofThings like this.
  2. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    My guess would be some of the signatures are not authentic. If you compare the Gordon Jenkins to other versions of his signature (easily found on the internet) it looks completely different. Never mind that it is misspelled.

    I think it puts the whole thing in question. (But I'm not an expert.)

    Best of luck sorting it out.
    scoutshouse and KingofThings like this.
  3. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    whom ever signed billy rose also signed gordin jenkins..!
    & likely the girls too...
    scoutshouse and KingofThings like this.
  4. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    Here's a link to the New York Times article regarding the death of "Patty" of the Andrews sisters. Note that in the Times article LaVerne's name is spelled differently from what the "signature/autograph" on your sheet music appears to be. I'm not saying the Times can't make a mistake but . . . . ;)

    "name/signature" on sheet music: Laverene

    New York Times spelling: LaVerne

    scoutshouse and KingofThings like this.
  5. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    Thanks for the opinions.
    I agree, the whole thing is definitely suspect.
    scoutshouse and KingofThings like this.
  6. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    scoutshouse, KingofThings and bluumz like this.
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