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Opalescent epergne horn - Northwood? Wright?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by UncleChuckTX, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. UncleChuckTX

    UncleChuckTX Well-Known Member

    I can't find this one in my Heacock/Elmore Opalescent Glass book. I found a few with similar ribbing listed as Northwood and L.G. Wright. Can anyone tell if this is an older one, or one of the pieces Wright had reproduced? I also saw in Heacock that some of the Northwood molds went to Dugan - are they also a possibility?

    Thanks! It's 6.75" long at the rim point, and a little less than 1/2" in diameter at the base of the stem.

    yourturntoloveit likes this.
  2. TallCakes

    TallCakes Well-Known Member

    one list on Ruby Lane attributes Jefferson 'Lily Spool' with reference:
    Shown on pg. 131 of "Opalescent Glass 4th edition" 2002 by Edwards & Carwile
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
  3. Cherryhill

    Cherryhill Well-Known Member

    ...some of the Northwood molds went to Dugan... Well, all the Northwood molds at his Indiana, Pennsylvania plant went to National Glass (no movement required, National took over) Dugan was the plant manager. After National died four years later, Dugan took ownership of the plant and the molds. Some of Northwood's molds, the ones from the Martins Ferry factory and the one at Elwood City, Pa, may not have gone to Indiana Pa, when he moved there. So some of, not all of, his molds went to Dugan. And, of course, none of his molds from the Wheeling factory (1903 to 1926) went to Dugan.
    UncleChuckTX likes this.
  4. fenton

    fenton Well-Known Member

    Probably Northwood-Dugan Diamond.
  5. UncleChuckTX

    UncleChuckTX Well-Known Member

    Thank you, Don, for the Jefferson tip. I'll check it out. I saw a copy of that Edwards & Carwile book about a month ago at Half-Price Books. I was feeling cheap that day, and put it back on the shelf. Kicking myself now.

    Tom, I'm always amazed at your ability to relay company histories and details so easily. I apprecite the info!
  6. Cherryhill

    Cherryhill Well-Known Member

    Chuck, you were wise to leave E & C alone, their books are well known for lack of accuracy. On second thought, their opalescent book isn't as bad as the pattern glass books.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2016
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