Old Egyptian Wood Carving

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Kevin Carnes, Apr 24, 2022.

  1. Kevin Carnes

    Kevin Carnes New Member

    Hi. I have an old carved Eygyptian figure made from wood. It has an asp at the feet and bolt underneath. The hands seem to have been supporting something which is no longer present. Compress_20220424_175516_6666.jpg Compress_20220424_175516_6666.jpg The figure is intricately carved and measures 120cm in height and 30cm in Width, at its widest point (the elbows). Would anyone have any information on its possible age and origin?
    Thanks so much.

    Attached Files:

    johnnycb09 likes this.
  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Would be kind enough to post photographs of the entire piece from front and back? And is it affixed to the pole behind it? What is the round metal piece found between the hands?

  3. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    nahhhh,,,,u first !

    what do u no that makes this not a recent carving from Bali..??????
    BoudiccaJones likes this.
  4. Kevin Carnes

    Kevin Carnes New Member

    I posted quite a few pictures, are they not visible? I didn't know how to describe it, originally. It would be great to know more about it.
  5. Kevin Carnes

    Kevin Carnes New Member

    Here is the back

    Attached Files:

  6. Kevin Carnes

    Kevin Carnes New Member

    Hi Debora, do you see the pictures I have posted?
  7. Kevin Carnes

    Kevin Carnes New Member

  8. Kevin Carnes

    Kevin Carnes New Member

    The statue is attached to a separate wooden beam, with no connection to the statue.
  9. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Yes, thank you. I do see your photographs. A couple of suggestions... In the future, please post photographs as Full Image rather than Thumbnails so they're easier for everyone to see. (That's not hard to do as both are available choices when you click on Upload a File.) Also, photographing against a plain background will give you better results. Now... Where did you get your carving? What were you told about it? Can the asp be used as a base? Or is your carving designed to hang after being secured by the bolt? Could/would you post a close-up photograph of the bolt? (I ask because it appears to be modern.)

    komokwa likes this.
  10. Kevin Carnes

    Kevin Carnes New Member

    Hi Debora, my apologies about the photographs, I am a new user to the site so I am trying to familiarise myself with it. The carving was acquired in South West Spain, from an antiques dealer who paid for an outstanding debt with it. This was around 10 years ago, but I don't have any other information about its origin. Being so close to Africa, I thought it maybe of African origin? The asp is circulates around the feet at the base, but I'm not sure about the bolt, whether it was added at the time of manufacturing (therefore being modern), or added later than its original time of manufacture.
  11. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    No problem re photographs, Kevin. It often takes new users a post or two to get the hang of it and we've all been there. To my eye, your carving doesn't look terribly old and I wouldn't be surprised if it was Indonesian in origin. But let's wait and see what others have to say.

    David Kiehl likes this.
  12. Kevin Carnes

    Kevin Carnes New Member

    How recently do you think it has been made? I thought it was Egyptian due to its style
  13. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    The figure evokes Egypt but his posture with its elongation and curves isn't what one would expect. More typical of Asia. Indonesian carvings have been widely available in the West since the 1990s. Here's a Classical Egyptian figure from the Brooklyn Museum for comparison. See how tightly controlled and static his posture is?


    David Kiehl likes this.
  14. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    May I ask... Where in southwest Spain?

  15. Kevin Carnes

    Kevin Carnes New Member

    Cádiz, Debora. Thanks, Kevin.
  16. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    I think that's part of a door frame. I've seen some absolutely mad ones in Spain. Probably twenties Egyptian revival.
  17. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Where in Spain? And what type of building? And did Spain have an Egyptian Revival period? (I ask that seriously because I don't know.)

  18. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Catalunya, part of a bakery in one instance, and also bars and restaurants. And there was certainly some Egyptian Revival, although nowhere near as much as in the UK, for example. Barcelona, as you know, was way less "traditional" than say Andalusia.

    https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5462995 -silver, but hey.
  19. Kevin Carnes

    Kevin Carnes New Member

  20. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    That's a totally different style, its Colonial not Egyptian.

    This is Egyptian Revival: in London, but a fabulous example.

    komokwa and BoudiccaJones like this.
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