Oil Paintings: Need Help Identifying One!

Discussion in 'Art' started by TheAntiqueHobbit, Jun 13, 2020.

  1. Hey all!
    As per usual, we’re going through stuff and trying to identify things we’ve purchased as a lot. I’m hoping someone can help with the flower painting!
    The hunting painting appears to be by Ignacio Beller; the signature and medium are right. The flower one though.... no idea. There is a Lee Tiller who paints in oil but I didn’t see any flowers by him and the signature looks off.
    Any ideas for the flower painting? Thanks all!
  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    There seem to be a lot of paintings on the internet of varying quality that are attributed to Beller and appear to be by different hands. Many of them are copies of works by other artists. I would be cautious about the attribution of your painting. Signature certainly doesn't match this:


  3. Good to know. It seems to be well done but I will say, the subject matter doesn’t match his other stuff at all so... was a little worried lol.
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