Oil painting signed Nan Guest??

Discussion in 'Art' started by Armando0831, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Armando0831

    Armando0831 Well-Known Member

    image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg I don't know why I bought this but I did. The first thing I found odd about this painting was the part that is pretuding from the lower flower to the vase. I thought it may be a handle but not sure. Some other things I found odd about this painting is a turquoise looking color in the middle of the painting. It has no rhyme or reason to be there. The center part of the arrangement looks odd, I see a different colors. Is it common the use a turquoise gesso under a painting?
  2. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

  3. Messilane

    Messilane Well-Known Member

    To me it looks like they used a mortar as a vase, and the *thing* next to it is the pestle.
    yourturntoloveit likes this.
  4. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    In art class, one is taught to underpaint in the opposite color. If your painting is going to end up with warm colors, your shadows and underpainting should be in cool colors. It's possible she painted in the shapes and tones in blues and then overpainted in the oranges and yellows and what you are seeing is the underpaint showing. I'd characterize this as a student work.
    antidiem likes this.
  5. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    Oh, and I go for the mortar and pestle answer myself.
    antidiem and yourturntoloveit like this.
  6. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    Agreed, Bev.

    The frame looks to be cypress stripped of milk paint.
    Hard to tell for sure but if that's the case, someone may want this for the frame alone. I've stripped away layers of milk paint from cypress wood - it's very difficult but leaves this lovely appearance.
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