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Oil Painting By H.Artinoff

Discussion in 'Art' started by SPERLS, Jan 29, 2017.


    SPERLS sperls

    Picked this up yesterday....I can find no other paintings by this artist.. I did see that his name is listed in the archives of MOMA,New York.....Any help appreciated!! IMG_5474.JPG IMG_5475.JPG IMG_5459.JPG IMG_5460.JPG
  2. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    I get a 30's vibe,maybe WPA ? Thats just a thought. I like it a lot. :)
    SPERLS likes this.
  3. Danton1190

    Danton1190 New Member

    A very nice painting indeed!
    SPERLS likes this.
  4. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    There is an "H. Artinoff" listed in the MOMA archive but have you verified yours is by the same artist? (I ask because your painting does not appear to be of the caliber one would expect to see in a museum collection.)


    SPERLS sperls

    I wish I could find another by this artist....Nothing is out there??...I think because this & the one in the MOMA archives (Not their collection) are both signed & stated as H.Artinoff...There is a good chance they are the same artist
  6. architrave

    architrave Well-Known Member

    Pieced together from Google Books snippets:

    "Arts Magazine - Volume 17 - Page cxv (1942)

    Genre by H. Artinoff
    Sentimentalism to the Nth degree is encountered at the first exhibition by H. Artinoff at the Art Students League until April 24. Supervisor of Armenian Language Schools in America (there are almost 40), this elderly artist, who has been painting since childhood, produces genre of an earnest type. Life is either a very pleasant affair with toddling youngsters and happy family faces or else it is unfortunate with fires, evictions and shaking homes. There are park bench lovers watching the moon, homely chicken yards, the family "parlor gathering," and the silhouetted homeward path with frollicking dogs."

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 29, 2017
    Figtree3, Debora and SPERLS like this.
  7. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member



    SPERLS sperls

    Thanks,Architrave...I will try to find that 1942 article & Any other paintings,by H.ARTINOFF....He is not a Master....But his technique,shadowing,tufting & detail are surely worthy of further research!
  9. architrave

    architrave Well-Known Member

    I think that's the whole article. Perhaps the Art Students League might have something in their archives - I can't find anything more online.
  10. structure

    structure New Member

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