Hello everyone, Found this letter scale and ink blotter at an old family house, I don't expect them to be incredibly old or rare in any way, but wondering if anyone had an idea of possible date for these. And, as an extra question if I should clean the letter scale from oxidations or if it can affect any potential future value. Thank you very much for your time and my best wishes, Rogusi
Hello, Rogusi! I've taken the liberty of reposting your photographs as Full Image so they're easier for everyone to see. Debora
The blotter may not be especially old, but I know for a fact that people still use those things, so there's a market for it, if you ever get around to selling it.
Hello, Thank you so much for all the quick and friendly replies. Thank you very much Debora for putting the photos in an easier way for everyone to see and Komokwa that's great to know. That means I'm missing a piece for the base, I'll try to see if its there. Anyone would risk a approx. date or value ? Or too generic to know? Either way I'll probably keep them to decorate the office. Once again thanks and best regards
The rocker-blotter (correct term) is not going to be worth a huge amount of money. The ones which are, will be the fancy brass ones, or the REALLY fancy sterling silver ones. What you have there will be $100 or less. Someone might pay more, because of the metalwork decorations, but that'd be it.
If anyone is interested the letter scale was dated between 1908-1935 by the very helpful and nice Mr.André Sol who maintains this very complete and informative page on this type of item: https://brievenwegers.nl/3941e.htm. Best
Not only are we interested........ @Rogusi but we laud new members doing us a solid , by adding pertinent information for us all to learn more about their items..!!! Thank you !