Need recommendation for auction house or museum that specializes in 19th century India art

Discussion in 'Art' started by Lucille.b, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    A friend has become power of attorney for someone and needs to sell by auction (or possibly donate to a museum) a collection of 19th century Company School India miniature portraits. They are approximately 2.5 inches high and feature various Indian Shahs and Kings and their wives in small portraits, gouache heightened on ivory panels.

    Here is a similar set shown from a 2002 Christies auction:

    We have 50 of these! One usually sees the Shah Jahan and his favorite wife Mumtaz in these miniatures, however in the group I'm researching, there are two sets roughly similar to the Christies auction featuring that pair, but all the rest are different rulers/wives. They are presented out of the frame, glued to a paper with names of exactly who they are. I feel they are quite rare due to the fact that they are subjects not normally seen, plus the sheer quantity.

    I have decided not to post photographs of them, since I'm being asked to possibly negotiate the sale -- and I want to keep these fresh to market with no Pinterest pins, etc. (As much as I'd like to post them -- they are stunning.)

    If anyone is an expert in this kind of thing and could help advise, I would be happy to send photos directly if that would help, please email me a note. I am positive they are old. (Yes, there are new versions of this type of thing, these are not that.)

    Looking for recommendations of a major auction house. (Christies, maybe?) and or museum if the family decides to donate.

    All thoughts very much appreciated.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2014
  2. Peter T Davis

    Peter T Davis Administrator Moderator

    Also try

    (LMK if you need a contact there, I have some friends who work there, in their coins dept, but they probably know who to talk to in the art dept)
  3. Pat P

    Pat P Well-Known Member

  4. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    If you have anything like those, I'd say pick an auction house with good exposure in India. If the Indians are doing what the Chinese did, it could drive the prices a lot higher.
  5. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Nice Avatar, Peter. Thanks for the link, still sorting this out. Although no one has recommended Christies so far, they do have a presence in India, I wonder if that would make them a good bet? If not, may follow up with Heritage Auctions.

    Appreciate the article, Pat. Finger's crossed that these are the kind of thing people are looking for these days.

    Also, excellent point Evelyn. Good exposure in India would be key.

    I hope this all goes smoothly. I haven't been asked to do anything like this before, not even sure what to charge as sort of a "middle person". My friend who is Power of Attorney is getting an hourly rate. She is asking me if I would like an hourly rate or percentage of final sale. A good problem to have, I guess, but not sure what to tell her.

    On another matter, let's say we go with an auction house, would I set it all up with the original owner's name, or is that going to be problematic? I suppose my friend (POA) could sign things. Well, maybe cross that bridge when I come to it.

  6. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I think it has to be the consignor's name, in this case the estate represented by the executor. That's a question to ask the auction house; they deal with this all the time.
  7. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    Absolutely has to be consigned by the estate. You can't consign something you don't own.
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