Need help with Sumo prints

Discussion in 'Art' started by Dennis Tjaden, Aug 9, 2016.


How old? How "real"?

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  1. Dennis Tjaden

    Dennis Tjaden Old ball coach......

    I have these Sumo prints that I need help with. I got them at from the estate of that had lots of Asian art. I believe they are Japanese. I don't know how hold or if they are real. I can't read the Asian words. I have many more pictures if needed. 1.JPG 5.JPG 5.JPG 6BackOfPrintShowingColor.JPG 7BackOfPrintShowingColor.JPG 8.JPG 9.JPG 10.JPG

    Thanks for your help!!!!
    cxgirl likes this.
  2. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    They appear to be real block prints done in the traditional manner. Whether they are antique originals or later re-prints, it is hard to tell. With that tag, I would tend to think they are 20th century and possibly as late as the 50s. I see you currently have these listed on ebay. It might help to know what you have before you list items.

    Your print of the match with spectators is by Utagawa Kuniyoshi. Here is a sales record of an original version (details at left of page).

    The first thing I would do is compare the size and other details to this original. Beyond that, you may need to have a hands-on evaluation by an expert.

    A quick search on your other print brought up several examples but most of the sites were not in English so I was not able to identify it. Most were using the image as an illustration and did not identify the print at all. I also ran it through this site and came up blank. You may want to post on their forum for additional help.
  3. Dennis Tjaden

    Dennis Tjaden Old ball coach......

    THANK YOU for your help. Would it be better to try to sell them on a different auction site rather than eBay. I put them there because it's the only site that I really know of.
  4. Dennis Tjaden

    Dennis Tjaden Old ball coach......

    Is there a way or place that I can send these to to get a hands on evaluation?
  5. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    VeryBrad... I know we say it often, but... what am amazing VeryResource you are.
    verybrad and komokwa like this.
  6. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Use the resources found on the last site I posted for you and/or their forum. Here is their resource page......

    Have you compared your print to the one I posted from the liveauctioneers site? I took a minute to do so and find that the symbol detail at the top of the arch differs. The colors are more garish on yours (usually a sign of a reprint). How do the sizes compare?

    I was able to find your other print with a bit more searching. It is an 18th century print by Katsukawa Shunsho. Again, you may need an expert to evaluate further.
  7. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Blush :shame: ..... I know enough about Japanese block prints to get me in to trouble. Really just doing some basic research here. The OP is going to have to take the next step.
  8. Dennis Tjaden

    Dennis Tjaden Old ball coach......

    I am just so overwhelmed with the great information. I am sooooo thankful. I did have these on eBay just because I didn't know what I had. I have searched the net but did not find the information you have provided. I don't know what OP means from the last post but I'll figure it out.
  9. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    You are the OP (Original Poster) and you are welcome!
    komokwa likes this.
  10. michael fennell

    michael fennell New Member

    These prints are most certainly reproductions- the paper sizes don't look right, the print and colour looks modern and I am afraid the paper looks wrong too.
  11. michael fennell

    michael fennell New Member

    To confirm a previous post the artists are Shunsho and Toyokuni (aka Kunisada)
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