Native American Themed Painting

Discussion in 'Art' started by kardinalisimo, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. kardinalisimo

    kardinalisimo Well-Known Member

    "Bearheels" would be the name of the artist or the title?

  2. elarnia

    elarnia SIWL

    There is a Lakota actress named Kyla Bearheels listed in IMDB as being from South Dakota. You might look in that area.

    Note - I'm not saying this could be her, she's too young, just that the name may come from there.
  3. kardinalisimo

    kardinalisimo Well-Known Member

    Thanks. Yeah, she's born in '86.
    Most likely the artist is from the Southwest. What does the symbol look like to you guys? Like longhorn or monogram?
  4. all_fakes

    all_fakes Well-Known Member

    I'd be thinking monogram, and by a SW artist with the name Bearheels; I haven't found any internet reference though.
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