Nam Greb signed Bronze lion (legit or fake?)

Discussion in 'Art' started by achwee, Dec 13, 2022.

  1. achwee

    achwee New Member

    I have the chance to buy a 'Nam Greb' signed bronze lion but I'm not sure about its authenticity.
    I'm attaching some photos, hope you can help me:

    Thank you
  2. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Many people will not use links, so I posted one of your photos here.

    Any Jewelry likes this.
  3. achwee

    achwee New Member

    I appreciate it, I tried by multiple means to add thumbnails with no success.
    Would you kindly post a photo of the signature too? Thank you.

    PS: cute cats!
    KikoBlueEyes likes this.
  4. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Sure. Just email the photos to yourself as medium and then upload a file here. Just be sure to hit insert as Full Image above all the photos.

    Any Jewelry, Aquitaine and achwee like this.
  5. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

  6. pewter2

    pewter2 Well-Known Member

    Namgreb is another title/name/ signature applied by Bergman of Vienna, Austria, specialising in cold painted bronze figures and animals....I think that the Nam greb signature was used mainly on certain risque items (where for instance the dressss comes off to reveal a nude body) or somewhat similar bronzes. Am unable to ascertain authenticity of your line although it appears to be a good casting. (for edification NAMGREB IS BERGMAN spelt backwards)
  7. achwee

    achwee New Member

    Hi pewter2!

    I was able to do some research and if you look at this piece, it looks pretty similar to the one I've posted here.
    Roaring20s likes this.
  8. Roaring20s

    Roaring20s Well-Known Member

    komokwa, NewEngland and Figtree3 like this.
  9. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Prices seem to bounce around (as usual) and I think according the Ebay Listing Roaring pulled-up NamGreb reissues are still being cast.
    How much are they asking ?
    Casting seems clean well defined.If NamGreb's most famous for the cold-painted erotica,these pieces will always bring the premier prices.
    Just like 2 different original Georgia O'Keefe's-1 of a mule & 1 of a flower,the flower will always bring more than the mule,to put it in modern terms-it's her 'brand' so to speak.
  10. Houseful

    Houseful Well-Known Member

    Very difficult to know whether it’s an original Bergman, odd there doesn’t seem to be much patination though, and I wonder if there has been a break in the tail.
    kyratango, achwee and Figtree3 like this.
  11. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Quote Houseful-'I wonder if there has been a break in the tail'
    Good observation House.I took a course in bronze casting & the amount of work after the bronze pour was easily 1/2 of the job-filing,filling,reattaching & patination.This repair could have happened at the foundry or by a restorer.
    Larger pieces of bronze (Egypt,Greece,Rome) were almost always cast in different sections,then assembled.
    Getty Museum has some Vids re ancient bronze methods/restoration.
    Houseful likes this.
  12. achwee

    achwee New Member

    High res pics of the tail (and balls, lol):

    It's an auction so the price is pretty low so far, I'd just like to know an estimated price in order to know how much I can bid.
    Figtree3 and kyratango like this.
  13. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!


    kyratango likes this.
  14. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    looks legit.....price is up to you !;)
  15. Houseful

    Houseful Well-Known Member

    I’ve had some of my work cast in bronze and have prepared my own waxes for the foundry. As you say is a lot of work, but most bronzes leave the foundry with a least some liver of sulphur patination. This one posted looks kind of pale and bare and not well fettled on the tail assembly if it’s not a repaired break. So many fakes out there too.
    Figtree3, KikoBlueEyes and komokwa like this.
  16. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Right you are.
  17. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Amazing. I had no idea you had this skill set. I need a tail for my miniature Bergmann lion. I have no idea how to go about getting it done. Do you have any idea on how to go about it?

    IMG_6072 (1) (1).jpg images (6).jpg
    Figtree3 likes this.
  18. Houseful

    Houseful Well-Known Member

    I’ve Sculpted commissioned life size dogs for bronze casting, the largest was a flatcoat retriever:)
    You need a sculptor to make up a tail for the lion using an oil clay so it can stick to your bronze so you are sure it looks right. Take the new tail piece off and make a silicone mould of the new tail piece and cast it as a wax. The bronze foundry then does their thing by using the lost wax casting process and they can attach the new bronze tail.
    It’s a very time consuming labour intensive expensive business even for such a small thing. Is your piece bronze Kiko, looks more like spelter?
  19. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Fascinating. I had no idea what is involved. You did a life size of a flatcoat retriever. Wow. I'm so impressed.
    Houseful likes this.
  20. achwee

    achwee New Member

    Thank you.
    Any range I should consider? I've seen Nam Greb's going from 100's to 1000's...
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