Mexican Pottery Identification

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by JUSTIN JAMES, May 16, 2022.


    JUSTIN JAMES The Curios Agency

    Hello everyone,

    Hoping someone might be able to help identify where this vase may be from. Is it likely Mata Ortiz/Mexican or from somewhere else?

    It stands 27 1/2cm tall and is roughly 19cm diameter at its widest point.

    20220506_104002.jpg 20220506_103929.jpg 20220506_103920.jpg 20220506_103634ggggg.jpg
    Any Jewelry likes this.

    JUSTIN JAMES The Curios Agency

    The carved artwork is repeated twice (front and back).

    Sadly no signature or other ID mark on base bottom.
  3. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

  4. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    Is it high-fired? That is, does it ring when tapped...or just thunk?
    JUSTIN JAMES likes this.
  5. Taupou

    Taupou Well-Known Member

    Since it was thrown and trimmed on a potter's wheel, you can rule out the possibility of it being from Mata Ortiz, since all the pottery from there is made without the use of a potter's wheel, and always has a rounded bottom.

    JUSTIN JAMES The Curios Agency

    Thank you. Good info to know.
  7. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member


    JUSTIN JAMES The Curios Agency

    Thank you, I will follow that up.
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