Metal vase makers mark help

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by Donna HA, May 4, 2023.

  1. Donna HA

    Donna HA Pleasestayhome

    This vase is some kind of metal - any idea which kind?
    Makers mark "K" within a rectangular box - no luck still locating who this is.
    It measures 3.75" high x 5" width with etched design and color.
    Any help appreciated.

    Metal Vase round.jpg Metal Vase round 2 - Copy.jpg Metal Vase round collage.jpg
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  2. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    In your photos it sure looks like pottery, perhaps raku.

    If you tap on it does it sound metallic?
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  3. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    I agree.
  4. Donna HA

    Donna HA Pleasestayhome

    antiquers.jpg I looked up Raku but didn't know for certain. It sounds like a metal yes. Pic of inside, like a pottery.
    The K I have no clue on.
    Any Jewelry likes this.
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