Featured Message in a bottle

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by mmarco102, Nov 2, 2018.

  1. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    Pick this up with a few other treasures. Can not seem to find any information on this Russian vessle, but than again I dont read Russian websites. :)

    Can anyone lead me to information on this Russian Corvette? I really like this pieces for a few reasons. The ship goes the entire length of the bottles(not a milimeter to spare), as well as, from tippy top to bottom. It isn’t glued in yet won’t tip over due to the bottle shape. Speaking of the bottle, it is a perfect green from the iron, and occasional large air bubble from time to time.

    Pictures dont give it justice. Will post better one when I clean it up. Speaking of that, there’s dirt and spiderwebs(not a lot) inside. The cork is a bit deteriorated, with a hole. Thinking of using air hose to clean inside(not sure if that can damage any strings). Also should I replace the cork or leave it as is and possibly just fill the holes so nothing gets inside. Would love some advice.

    I hope I can find information on this vessel if it even existed.

    CF66F294-9F80-41EF-8B35-F1388F907F48.jpeg 1BFBC1D4-33D1-4926-988B-7282349DF6B4.jpeg 0093716F-DE66-4C03-8F9E-34119F1F7715.jpeg 03B33B92-3BDF-4E52-ACC1-F1D69846FD84.jpeg
  2. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    After checking ships in bottles on ebay, I have to say..... they all look like crap. Toys in olive oil bottles, hehehehe

    Ok, well yes. I could be a bit bias ;) :)
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2018
  3. Caribou's House

    Caribou's House Well-Known Member

    There's a reference to a destroyer, "Bistri" (fast) that was a casualty of the Russo-Japanese war in Chekuryon Bay. But that war was 87 years after the date on that bottle. The Russians have been known to use old equipment, however.
    i need help likes this.
  4. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    That is great info, thank you big time. It was spelled correctly(exactly) in Russian on the plaque, but they dropped the “i” in the English translation. Wow, an 87 year old ship in war. Better than getting sold for scrap(although the crew might not have thought so). Must not have been very “Fast” anymore ;) :)

    Thank you again as I can dig further..

    Destroyers and auxiliaries
    Imperial Russia also lost six of its nine destroyers in the battle, had one interned by the Chinese, and the other two escaped to Vladivostok. They were – Buyniy("Буйный"), Bistriy ("Быстрый"),
    Bezuprechniy ("Безупречный"), Gromkiy ("Громкий") and Blestyashchiy ("Блестящий") – sunk on 28 May 1904, Byedoviy("Бедовый") surrendered that day. Bodriy ("Бодрый") was interned in Shanghai; Grosniy ("Грозный") and Braviy ("Бравый") reached Vladivostok.”
    i need help likes this.
  5. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Nice ship, mmarco.
    Are those snuff bottles in the background?:peeking:
    i need help and mmarco102 like this.
  6. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    Yes snoopy, :hilarious::smuggrin: I had to buy the lot which was 6 snuffs. Four are repoductions for sure but I bought them for these two(think they knew the other four wouldn’t sell any other way). Realizing most are repo’s, I like these and see some potential possibly. Please give me your thoughs(I usually don’t post snuffs as I feel 95% or better are new.

    6DDEAF60-DB2E-44F3-89EC-E176E8936AEB.jpeg CEBFF36B-0F3F-4FEF-A02B-60687242DA20.jpeg A502020D-64B3-4A6B-B4E4-792223DBCAC7.jpeg 1786385B-0EB9-48A9-BC71-94DB49ADCDD1.jpeg 6A72F9BE-9AFC-41FF-8571-7C19B23587DE.jpeg 2C0E1746-5146-440F-97EC-7201A9369651.jpeg
    judy, Any Jewelry and i need help like this.
  7. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It is my snuff bottle radar.:D
    Post away, new snuff bottles can also have value, and there are many snuff bottle lovers on the forum.

    The portrait on the enameled glass one looks to be of emperor Jiaqing (1796-1820), but the bottle is 20th century.
    The mark on the bottom is the Guyuexuan or Old Moon Pavilion mark, which is a generic mark for enameled glass bottles.
    Guyuexuan bottles had their heyday during the reigns of Qianlong and Jiaqing, so a Jiaqing portrait is a fitting tribute.

    The overlay glass bottle is very nice, probably also 20th century, but of a better quality than the Guyuexuan bottle. It was originally covered entirely with the blue layer, which was handcarved with a design of birds and lotus flowers, and to reveal the frosted glass underneath.
    There are different fancy terms for the different kinds of frosted Peking glass, which I always forget.:oops:
    judy and mmarco102 like this.
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