Mason? Knights Templar? Savannah GA

Discussion in 'Ephemera and Photographs' started by ScanticAntiques, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. ScanticAntiques

    ScanticAntiques Well-Known Member


    I was continuing through the lot of 100's of photos I purchased
    where I found Corinne, and came across this fellow.

    He seems to be in some sort of fraternal wear.

    He looks to have been military age during the civil war, as this photo looks to be
    1870's or so to me. I was wondering if anyone possibly recognized his face?

    Thanks in advance! I know it's a longshot, but figured what the heck! IMG_0389.JPG IMG_0391.JPG IMG_0390.JPG IMG_0393.JPG
    Batman_2000 and KingofThings like this.
  2. Batman_2000

    Batman_2000 Well-Known Member

    This is great - you come across some fantastic photos! I'm drawn to the 'cross' emblem on his hat, but have no time to search right now... will pop back in later :)
    ScanticAntiques likes this.
  3. ScanticAntiques

    ScanticAntiques Well-Known Member

    Awww Thanks! I usually buy them in huge lots at auctions or estates so you kinda never know what you are going to get! :)
  4. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    Knights of Columbus?
    ScanticAntiques and fidbald like this.
  5. anundverkaufen

    anundverkaufen Bird Feeder

    Knights of Templar.
  6. milestoneks

    milestoneks Active Member

    Agree, Knights Templar emblem on his chapeau.
    ScanticAntiques likes this.
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