Looking for information on this Podstakannik

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Kazmirus, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. Kazmirus

    Kazmirus New Member

    I'd like to know perhaps how old it is, what the picture on the front represents, and who made it if possible. There is only one inscription on the bottom that says "МЕТАЛЛ" or "МЕТАПП." It's about 3" tall and 2.75" wide. This podstakannik was bought in the antique markets at Moscow sometime in the 60s or 70s.

    Thank you for any information in advance!

    Here are some pictures:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    You've got two marks there, did you not see? Might be the price, I suppose: there's the symbol used for 500, then a 5.
  3. Kazmirus

    Kazmirus New Member

    Thank you! I didn't see that the mark was important, I had thought it a bump until I looked closer at the picture. It may be the price, I do not know. It was a gift to my grandmother.
  4. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    That small mark may also be a maker's mark. It appears to be Cryllic letters

    лф5 = LF5

    At the moment I don't know whose mark this is or if it is even a maker's mark. Russian pieces do sometimes have the prices stamped into them as Bear said.

    --- Susan

  5. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    Here's a set of Russian enamel forks with the same лф5 mark.


    Found another Russian item that is supposedly stamped with the same followed "IP". The Google translation of that particular section is

    "Salad Spoon
    Silver 800 *. Hallmarks: "LF5 IP", "ICME YEN & Co". Beginning of the twentieth century."


    Up in the right corner there is an option for English. The page in English doesn't have the same info as the Google translation. As I don't known Russian, I don't know which is correct.

    --- Susan
    afantiques likes this.
  6. Ladybranch

    Ladybranch Well-Known Member

    The more I look around, the more лф5 I've found. They all appear to be a number like an inventory number. I've seen them along with лф4, лф5, лф6 relating to elevators. The following has it as a number/inventory number of a Russian Optical Glass.

    Scroll down to nearly the bottom of the chart to the 2nd up from the bottom:

    Sooooo, I believe not a maker's mark but an inventory number?

    --- Susan
  7. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    About halfway down this page there is mention of a podstakkanik marked as yours.
    it is the 7th one down the page:


    Google Translate gives this as the translation. I slightly improved it by editing, but didn't take a lot of time with that. They don't really ID what the marks would be.

    Rare Soviet holder, stylized "Russian" style, though, instead of gems and gold - enamel and brass. Stamp: "LF5", "Metal" and "0" is inscribed in a triangle. On the front panel cupholders - very beautiful medallion with the image of a typical Russian autumn landscape. Very decent example.

  8. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Another item that says it has the same mark (mark is not shown)


    Google translation that I edited a bit:
    Type: Other
    Stack with cloisonne enamel and fotomedalonom "The Bronze Horseman".

    The middle of the XX century

    Height 5.7 cm, diameter 4.5 cm, bottom diameter 3.5 cm

    The volume of 65 ml.

    Preservation good. Light patina.

    At the bottom the stamp "METAL".

    The second mark of "LPF" or "LF5."

    Available to mail to Russian Federation.
  9. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    I found several other Russian sites mentioning the МЕТАЛЛ and ЛФ5 marks together on podstakkaniki --- they all seem to be saying that they are Soviet, and 20th century. Most do not have images attached and don't give further information to ID the maker. МЕТАЛЛ translates to "Metal" in English.
  10. Kazmirus

    Kazmirus New Member

    I can not thank you enough for your research! I'm glad we're able to place a date and have found some instances elsewhere on the Internet.
  11. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    You're welcome -- many of the people here know that I know a little Russian and need to keep practicing it so I don't lose it!

  12. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    The LF mark that looks like a Greek letter is also used as the symbol for 500 in Cyrillic. Certainly USSR era, anyhow.
  13. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Don't usually comment on Russian or supposedly Russian silver, because I'm not at all qualified in the area and very few people are - but this piece is Soviet, and though definitely still no expert in any way, can tell you that the 'Metal' mark indicates that it's a non-precious metal, and the other is a factory mark, with the '5' indicating the year of production. Those dated marks started in the mid '50s, and I've never fully understood how they distinguish the decades, but there is a Cyrillic-language book on Soviet marks that is apparently quite helpful. If I recall correctly, the numbers as a suffix were used in the 1950s-60s, as a prefix in the '70s, with added punctuation for the different decades after that - this piece would have been produced in either 1955 or 1965.

    Figtree3 likes this.
  14. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Cheryl, I always like to read about Russian or Soviet practices. Just am interested in the culture and the language (and the literature, for that matter).
  15. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    because I'm not at all qualified in the area

    Gee....that never stopped me !!!:hilarious:
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