Looking for Chinese antique porcelains, snuff bottles

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by jingyel, Oct 1, 2023.

  1. jingyel

    jingyel Well-Known Member

    I am in east coast and can do onsite appraisal and pay in cash for collectible Chinese antique item.

    Using major action records as reference for appraisal, and cash offer for your collection.

    please contact me with forums message. High resolution photos are always helpful.
  2. Kaiserpoo

    Kaiserpoo Well-Known Member

    I am in NYC. Make me an offer. You buy any Japanese?

    1700s Chinese export porcelain on copper.
    IMG_9160.jpeg IMG_9161.jpeg IMG_9162.jpeg IMG_9164.jpeg IMG_9165.jpeg IMG_9166.jpeg
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2023
  3. Kaiserpoo

    Kaiserpoo Well-Known Member


    Rubbing of Guandi (War God) from a Ming dynasty stone carving

    it was made by rubbing the paper with ink over a stone carving. The early Ming dynasty tablet no longer exists; this rubbing allows us to continue to experience the work of art that is lost.

    MING (1368-1644 A.D.) 拍品描述:碑文說明於明孝宗弘治三年 (1490) 年, 於揚州濬河拾得「漢 壽亭侯之印」玉印。 後於晚明立 碑銘記此事, 碑文中題款之吳拱 宸、黃輝二人, 皆為晚明著名文 士, 石碑上方之「御製」二字更 說明此碑為皇廷所立之碑。參閱:李愚(866 - 935 A.D.), 出身望族趙郡李氏, 天祐三年舉進士, 後唐愍帝時官拜宰相。1.Rubbing of Guandi (War God) from a Ming dynasty stone carving, 美國大都會博物館藏。 2. 禦製關聖帝君像, 法國遠東博古學 院收集越南漢喃研究院藏。
    53 x 110 cm


    Date: 20th century

    Culture: China

    Medium: Ink on paper

    Dimensions: Overall with mounting: 51 3/8 × 30 1/4 in. (130.5 × 76.8 cm)

    Classification: Rubbing





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