Featured 'Longacre' Painting ?

Discussion in 'Art' started by Drew, Mar 9, 2020.

  1. Drew

    Drew Well-Known Member

    Any reference listing out there for painter Robert Neff Longacre ? The pictured work is oil on canvas 16x24 inches, done in the 1970's. s-l1600 (54).jpg
  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    The only reference I can find to Robert Neff Longacre is of him being a photographer in the 1980s. as always a photograph of the back of your work, including frame, along with a close-up of the signature would be helpful. And if you could share why you date it to the 1970s...?

    Christmasjoy likes this.
  3. Drew

    Drew Well-Known Member

  4. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    I feel like I'm begging for information. So how do you know it's 1979 and not 1879? And I see that the frame is marked. Could/would you post a close-up photograph? That is information both helpful for dating and identifying artist by his geographic location.

    Christmasjoy likes this.
  5. Drew

    Drew Well-Known Member

    I recently purchased it, and it's being shipped to me. Seller thought 1979 - signed merely "79". Hopefully this photo will assist. Sorry for not putting up all available photos initially. s-l1600 (57).jpg
    komokwa likes this.
  6. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    The Handley Mill in Roanoke, Alabama produced canvas and was run by an Enroe. Suspect art supplies might have been a sideline. Seems to have closed in the 1920s. Perhaps your painting reads "19" as in 1919?

    Christmasjoy and aaroncab like this.
  7. Drew

    Drew Well-Known Member

    Thanks Debora... those details are helpful. I'll fully examine the stretcher for any other markings when it arrives.
  8. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    I don't know but this is a brief bit of what is said to be the history and it looks to me that if the Enloe on the stretcher is the same family as the one from the mill it could be at least until 1965.

    In 1901, Roanoke acquired its greatest economic profit when W.A. Handley Manufacturing Company was built along with Lowell Mill Village. The mill produced yarn, canvas and fabric throughout its history. For more than 70 years, the mill was the economic backbone of the town, along with the Palm Beach Company, which produced men's sportswear and hired mostly from the female population. Handley Mill was built by local stockholders under the leadership of Z.J. Wright and William Anderson Handley. The first superintendent was Fountain Pitts Randle from Wehadkee Mill in Rock Mills. During the first year of operation, Randle's health declined, and Harvey Enloe came from Riverview Mill in Chambers County and became superintendent at Handley Mill. Following his death in 1935, his son, Page Enloe, became superintendent. Following his death, his son, Page Enloe Jr. became superintendent until 1965.
    Fid and Drew like this.
  9. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

  10. Drew

    Drew Well-Known Member

  11. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    I love it Drew. Are you planning to sell it?
  12. Drew

    Drew Well-Known Member

    Sorry, not for sale, for my ship painting collection.
  13. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    That's so interesting. The Alpine scenes -- to my eye -- date to neither 1855 or 1955. And the frames are 1920s/1930s. The Tynedale Collection a shop rather than a gallery as the name implies.

  14. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    I have a small ship painting/print collection myself. Nice
  15. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    I like this picture, though it looks amateur. No idea if the sail configuration is correct. (I like pictures of boats much more than the idea of being on one.)

    Interestingly irrelevant that a nef (one "f") is a boat-shaped table ornament.
    kyratango likes this.
  16. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    The only Robert Neff Longacre at familysearch.org was born in 1892 and he worked for the Philadelphia Enquirer. He was identified elsewhere as a photographer. No inconceivable that he also painted but no proof.

  17. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

  18. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    And here's a sample of his photographic work.



    Drew likes this.
  19. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Painting coming from Connecticut, no? Robert Neff Longacre's daughter died there in February of this year. Lived in Niantic. Not too far from Waterford. Think we may have the right Robert Neff Longacre.

    Drew likes this.
  20. Drew

    Drew Well-Known Member

    Yes, purchased from a person in Waterford Ct. who acquired it from an estate.
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