Featured Large, Applied-Flowers?, Sommerso Footed Glass Vase

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by KikoBlueEyes, Apr 8, 2021.

  1. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    This is one of the first things that I purchased from the reseller's treasures. It went immediately on display, so I haven't had the chance to ask about it. I fell in love with the color, the applied elements, the sommerso effect and the ruffled top. It is very tall at 17 inches and the top is 8 inches in diameter at its widest part. I am hoping you all can help me determine it's origins.

    The upper section sits on a ring of darker glass that comes to a polished point that then is placed on a molded glass ring. The applied elements, which look to me like flower shoots, are clear glass.

    I have a photo of what I think is a molded mark on the clear glass foot (last photo). At first I thought, this was an attribute of the creation process, but it does not go around the entire piece. It is a very complex piece, so I'm hoping that someone will recognize the style, maker, country of origin, or anything else. Any comments will be gratefully appreciated.

    IMG_0137.jpg IMG_0139.jpg IMG_0138.jpg IMG_0141.jpg IMG_0142.jpg IMG_0143.jpg IMG_0144.jpg IMG_0145.jpg IMG_0148 (1).JPG
  2. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    This might also be a mark, but it's iffy.

    pearlsnblume and judy like this.
  3. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Gut feel is well done studio glass.
  4. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Well that's disappointing. Only goes to show me how much I need you. :D
    pearlsnblume likes this.
  5. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    I'd not be disapointed, it's a very nice thing. ;)
  6. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    I was hoping for something special that’s all. I displayed it in a prominent place but that special space deserves a special piece. I will keep looking. It doesn’t dim my pleasure in the piece though.
    pearlsnblume likes this.
  7. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    I might have found where this vase came from. I was researching a Richard Harkness Vase I found and came across a similar motif on vases created by Bruce Cobb, who worked with him. I called the New Hampshire Historical Society to see if they would allow me to contact either of them. Here is my Harkness Glass vase.

  8. Born2it

    Born2it Well-Known Member

    Is “studio glass” somehow pejorative? I’m only familiar with it being used in the opposite sense.
    pearlsnblume and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  9. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    I wasn't speaking about the Studio Glass Movement. I was disappointed the piece was unsigned.
    pearlsnblume likes this.
  10. TallCakes

    TallCakes Well-Known Member

    Ion Tamaian created very similar line of studio glass but looks like it is mostly signed

  11. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    you are truly amazing with your research.
    Born2it and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  12. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Another astonishing find. You're right. The color of this and the use of the applied clear glass shapes seems very like. Also the ruffled edge. Later today, when I have time I look more carefully at mine. I hadn't checked anywhere but the bottom. He seemed to sign in different places. Thank you so very much for tracking this down.
    Born2it and pearlsnblume like this.
  13. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Isn't he!
    Born2it and pearlsnblume like this.
  14. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    I searched everywhere hoping to find a signature but nada. Since mine didn't seem to be signed (thank you @TallCakes for the lead), I wrote an email to Bruce Cobb who apprenticed to Richard Harkness asking him if he recognized it. I got his email from the New Hampshire Historical Society.
  15. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    While I am waiting, @Aquitaine if you have time can you see if there is something here? We are looking for Ion Tamaian or maybe Richard Harkness
    IMG_0147 (1).JPG
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2022
  16. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    WOW, Kiko, my first thought was it really looked like there's something there, and there MAY be, just not something I could pull up!!! And in this instance, there was little color in the image to speak of that I could play with......I kept looking for letters that you had mentioned....best I "think" I saw was an 'H'...

    IMG_0147 copy (1)-gigapixel-low_res-scale-2_00x.jpg
    KikoBlueEyes likes this.
  17. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for giving it a try!!!!!!!!!!!! I will check where Richard Harkness signed.
  18. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

  19. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

  20. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    I heard back from Bruce Cobb, who used to work with Richard Harkness. I asked him if he thinks this vase was a Richard Harkness piece. Here is his response:

    "It could be, but if so, then it was likely produced after '83, when I left. He worked with colored glass, as do I. If I had to guess, I would say it is likely a Harkness piece."
    BoudiccaJones and pearlsnblume like this.
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